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Mark Dankof to Reza Saidi of Tasnim News on the Supreme Leader of Iran’s Second Letter to Western Youth



Mark Dankof: America, The Beautiful: Why We’re Finished


It is my profound privilege to be asked to respond officially and on the record to the Second Letter of the Supreme Leader of Iran to Western Youth, entitled “Today, Terrorism is Our Common Enemy.”

This message is one of the two most important articles I have read in 2015.  The other is the reprint of Russia Insider of a 1999 French Figaro interview with Russian human rights activist and scholar, Alexander Zinoviev (1922-2006).  The reprint is entitled, “The End of Communism Meant the End of Democracy in the West.”  The original French Figaro piece was known as “The West and Russia-A Controlled Catastrophe.”

I urge everyone to read the Zinoviev interview.  Despite the fact that he is considered along with Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov to be one of the three most significant Russian thinkers and human rights activists in the 20th century, I must confess that I had never heard of him before.  This may be less an indictment of me than it is of a decadent and incompetent Western media, which is more concerned with covering the National Football League, the World Series, and American Idol than it is anything with eternal or transcendent value.  In this regard, one can only thank God for the phenomenon of Alternative Media via the Internet, and outlets like Press TV, Tasnim News Agency, Russia Today, and Russia Insider, for giving those who so desire in the West the chance to encounter individuals and thought of significance rather than the simian offerings of Hollywood, Fox Sports, and the major American news networks.

A quick perusal of the Zinoviev interview will reveal how closely its contents from 16 years ago dovetail with those of the recent letter(s) of the Iranian Supreme Leader to Western Youth.  Here we see references to “Democratic Totalitarianism,”the “Supra-Society,” “Supra-National Structures and the Disappearance of Pluralism,” all in the service of a “World Government” which has its foundation in “The Barbarity of Globalization [which] manifests itself in many diverse, unacceptable ways.” Zinoviev noted in 1999 that he was witnessing the “unprecedented dissemination of the cult of violence, sex, and money” as the means of destroying cultures, communities, religions, and families through a toxic synthesis of totalitarian financial control and  “omnipotent military power.”


The Zionist Alliance with the Frankfurt School and the LGBT Agenda: Destroying the Christian West, Russia, and the Islamic World With Cancer.

To this I would add two additional evil ingredients: first, the targeted goal of an induced sexual decadence and perversion to produce youthful generations of passivity, spiritual erosion, and indifference to the transcendent values of the ages.  Secondly, one must add the technological revolutions of my lifetime which have made the introduction of domestic police states in the service of Globalism based on the “unprecedented dissemination of the cult of violence, sex, and money” a present and ongoing development.  This is especially true in the United States, as I have chronicled in an essay I hope every young Iranian will read.  I have largely despaired of American youth heeding my warning.  The essay is entitled, “America, the Beautiful:  Why We’re Finished.”

I am convinced that my thoughts on these matters as an American in an adversarial relationship with the ideological totalitarianism of the Globalist/Zionist/New World Order elite running the American government, central banking cartel, media, and culture, completely intersect with those expressed by Alexander Zinoviev as a Russian 16 years ago, and those of the Supreme Leader of Iran in his Second Letter to Western Youth.

Ayatollah Khamenei is both prophetic in tone, and impeccably accurate in content when he addresses Western youth with his hopes and fears. He wants them to understand that terrorism is the common enemy of all those who are decent people and men and women of good will.  This includes the Supreme Leader of Iran and the vast percentage of the Iranian people who have suffered the same vilification directed at Vladimir Putin and the people of Russia, and President Assad and the people of Syria in recent months, by the propaganda machine serving the New World Order and its Globalist/Zionist masters in the West generally and my country specifically.  I note that this is the same vilification being directed against peaceful American dissenters who have risked their families, professions, and livelihoods to publicly oppose the agenda and methodologies of those who have hijacked the United States and stolen it from its decent and largely defenseless people in my lifetime.  Many of these Americans will live abroad after the 2016 American Presidential Elections, which are quite likely to produce a President-Elect worse than that of any of the previous criminals in that office in the last quarter of a century.

The treasures in the letter of the Supreme Leader of Iran are especially powerful when read in tandem with the earlier testimony of Alexander Zinoviev to the Russian people and the world. Each word and each sentence of Ayatollah Khamenei in this manuscript is saturated with power, meaning, love, and prophetic testimony and warning.

The Supreme Leader reminds us of what all Americans, including the Republican and Democratic Party Presidential nominees, need to hear. His letter to American youth underscores that there are 1 1/2 billion Muslims on the earth, that the Islamic world has been the key victim of terror and brutality in terms of their territories, the quantitative amount of terror that has been inflicted in these territories, and for the longest period of time in question.  Even more to the point, Ayatollah Khamenei underscores that this is no accident, but that “This violence has been supported by certain great powers, through various methods and effective means.” The world understands exactly what is being referred to here:  The United States, driven by Zionist actors and interests, has joined Israel, the Western Central Bankers, its Saudi Arabian petrodollar allies, the GCC, and Turkey, in developing, bankrolling, importing, and providing the military and logistical support for ISIS, and all of the related Wahhabic/Takfiri extremist organizations operating in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and elsewhere. Now that President Putin has committed the Russian military to supporting the legitimate government of Syria, he and his country are now being targeted by the same demonic forces, and for the identical reasons.  The illegitimate sponsorship of the coup d’etat in Kiev, Ukraine in February of 2014 illustrates this, as does the recent shootdown of the Russian SU-24 in Syrian airspace by the Erdogan regime in Turkey, a NATO ally doing between 1.5 and 3 million dollars of clandestine black market oil transactions a day with ISIS and its oil stolen from Syria and Iraq, oil subsequently brokered to the Zionist State among other entities.  It is evil.

It is also duplicitous, as the Supreme Leader says.  His definition of duplicity should be contemplated by American youth and Americans generally, all being deceived on a daily basis by the forces who control their government and their establishment news media.  Ayatollah Khamenei notes that those with the highest developed skills in the art of duplicity are “hiding long term goals and adorning malevolent objectives.”


Duplicity Personified: “The hiding of long term goals and adorning malevolent objectives.”


The objective is World Government, as Alexander Zinoviev told us in 1999.  We may speak of this in terms of what is known as the New World Order.  This New World Order is inextricably linked with World Zionism and a Western Central Banking monopoly and cartel. It employs six (6) methodologies to destroy everything in the path of the Beast. These are the utilization of financial totalitarianism and blackmail, the regular deployment of military aggression, the employment of global technical means of Orwellian surveillance, the dissemination of false information via Zionist-owned Media Conglomerates, the training and financing of terrorist organizations to destabilize nation-states and their infrastructures, and last but certainly not least, the subversion, trivialization, and ultimately the destruction of independent cultures and their adherents.

In the case of cultural and moral subversion, I wish to provide what I believe is a useful clarification of Ayatollah Khamenei’s understandable remark on “the imposition of Western culture” upon the Islamic people generally and upon the Iranian people specifically.

The fact is that the attempted imposition of the present Western culture upon the Islamic peoples and Russia is the same process that destroyed the older Christian culture in Europe and the older Christian culture and Constitutional tradition in the United States in the 20th century.  It is a culture almost exclusively driven by Zionist and Jewish political and cultural agents and forces.  The Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden, acknowledged this to the Jerusalem Post when he spoke glowingly of the disproportionate Jewish role in the final victory of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered) movement in America on June 26th, 2015, when the Supreme Court of the United States imparted its final legal legitimization of homosexual and lesbian marriages in America. This mirrors the provably disproportionate Jewish and Zionist roles in bringing American mainstream culture into full Culturally Marxist compliance with the latter’s wholesale acceptance and militant promotion of abortion-on-demand, pornography, and the hypersexualization of American movies and television along with every form of sexual perversion at odds with the older Christian culture of the West.  Every young person in America, Iran, and elsewhere, needs to research the Frankfurt School and its Institute of Social Research. It will lead anyone who searches to the truth, not only in regard to the forces behind these evil transformations, but the agenda’s endgame, which is not simply financial profit for evil, but the targeted development of entire populations and societies who become progressively more decadent, more passive, less morally and intellectually acute.  This renders them incapable of identifying what is happening around them, and incapable of resisting World Government, Zionism, and the New World Order.  In the West, resistance may no longer be possible.  I personally believe that the revival of Orthodox Culture in Putin’s Russia and the spiritual strength of mainstream Islamic peoples, represents the best and only hope to destroy the Beast globally and replace it with the revival of traditional nation-states, cultures, traditional family structures, morality, and spirituality.

I will recommend several articles that greatly illumine what has happened in the United States and the West in the destruction of their older cultural and spiritual traditions.  This illumination is critical in saving young people worldwide from cultural, moral, spiritual, and eternal death. It is my hope that both American and Iranian youth will read these posts and contemplate the deeper meaning and implications of their individual and collective witness. See the essay of my friend, Iben Thranholm, in Russia Today entitled, “Russia and the West Have Swapped Spiritual and Cultural Roles.”  Another critical read for both American and Iranian youth comes to us in Brenton Sanderson’sJenji Kohan and the Jewish Hyper-Sexualization of Western Culture” for the Occidental Observer. Take an additional look at the essay of Rod Dreher in Time Magazine published as “Orthodox Christians Must Now Learn to Live as Exiles in Our Own Country.”

I cannot prevent or reverse the success of the New World Order in the United States and Western Europe.  It is my profound hope and prayer that my painful and ongoing encounters with the haunting tragedy of my personal experiences in my own country in the last half a century, might save millions of other souls in other countries and cultures whose own futures presently stand on the edge of the precipice.

In the final analysis, the prophetic warning and witness of the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, may well ultimately be judged as one of the most significant proclamations of the 21st century, especially in tandem with the voice of Alexander Zinoviev 16 years ago.  The six (6) methodologies of the New World Order I have chronicled in my own humble witness today to young people everywhere,  summarize the nature of the threat presented to every man, woman, and child on this planet.

So to the young of Iran, Syria, Russia, and every other culture and nation-state on Planet Earth, I conclude by saying this. Be informed.  Be sober.  Be vigilant. Have divinely imparted discernment. Be revitalized.  And be ready to do battle at every level with every fiber of your beings in the defeat of the Beast and his New World Order.

I believe this is the best understanding of the Second Letter of the Supreme Leader of Iran to Western Youth.

River Running Through Lar Valley

A River Runs Through Iran’s Lar Valley. It presages the soothing presence of the voice of God in the form of “the rush of many waters” (Revelation 1:15).

The Hands of Time and the Appearance of Logos: Mark Dankof for the LMS-USA Conference 2014

The Logo of the LMS-USA and the Pillars of Luther's Reformation: Christ Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Scripture Alone.

The Logo of the LMS-USA and the Pillars of Luther’s Reformation: Christ Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Scripture Alone.

[Mark Dankof’s presentation to the 2014 national conference of the Lutheran Ministerium and Synod–USA in June 2014 is reproduced in edited/abridged version below.  In response to specific requests, the 2014 message demonstrates the continued relevance to the Confessing Church of Jesus Christ of the Ancient Church’s fight to preserve the Biblical witness to the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ as pivotal to the reality of the realization of God’s plan of salvation for humanity, enacted in linear time in the physical cosmos.  Of primary relevance to this 2014 discussion is the 1996 presentation of Pastor Dankof to the Lutheran Ministerium and Synod–USA in Indianapolis entitled, “Creeds and Confessions as Liturgy.”

“In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning [Genesis 1:1].  Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.  In Him was life, and that life was the Light of men.  The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.”  [λόγος: DNTT, vol. 3, pages 1081-1146, esp. p. 1115; B. Klappert, author; Colin Brown, editor ]

The Gospel of John, chapter 1, verses 1-5

“But mark this:  There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God–having a form of godliness but denying its power.  Have nothing to do with them.”  [καιροὶ:  DNTT, vol. 3, pages 833-39; H.-C. Hahn, author; Colin Brown, editor]

2 Timothy 3: 1-5

“As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately.  ‘Tell us,’ they said, ‘when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?’  Jesus answered:  ‘Watch out, that no one deceives  you.'”  [πλανήσῃ:  DNTT, vol. 2, pages 457-61; W. Gunther, author; Colin Brown, editor]

Matthew 24: 3-4

“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”

Plato (427-347 B. C.)

“One had to look very closely [in pre-war Germany] to see the cloven hoof beneath the angel’s luminous robes.  . . . If I read the signs aright, we are close to midnight.”

Pastor Helmut Thielicke

Pastor Mark Dankof of the Lutheran Ministerium and Synod-USA, a member of the International Lutheran Council (ILC).

Pastor Mark Dankof of the Lutheran Ministerium and Synod-USA, a member of the International Lutheran Council (ILC).

     On this beautiful day at the very beginning of summer at Christ Lutheran Church in Chetek, Wisconsin in 2014, we prepare to take a look back–and a look ahead–at time, and God’s revelation in time in the Logos [λόγος].  My assignment for the fine people of the Lutheran Ministerium and Synod–USA today, and for the entirety of the Israel of God, the Confessing Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, is to do so with reference to my message delivered to this gathering in Indianapolis in 1996, entitled “Creeds and Confessions as Liturgy.”  I am proud that the University of Dayton would later see fit to use this paper in a graduate theology course on the subject.  I am equally proud that my last couple of projects for our yearly gatherings have made their rounds around the world, thanks to the marvelous technology of our age.  These include “The Famine, The Watchman, and The Remnant” two years ago, and last year’s homily at the concluding worship service of our National Convention entitled, “The Chosen People of God:  Who Are They?“.

     I shall succumb to the temptation to begin with a story.  My colleagues in secular media and news commentary refer to me off-camera and off-the-air as The Storyteller. Stories have enabled me to survive in media and in pulpits for many years, because good ones illustrate timeless principles and truths that God reveals to us within time, as a means of understanding transcendent truths and teaching these truths to others who subsequently apply them to their own lives in this mysterious odyssey we call life, lived in linear time and space before our subsequent arrival in the Kingdom of God in eternity past, present, and future.

     This story only goes back in time to this past Father’s Day evening, June 15th, 2014.  I was walking the dogs in my local neighborhood of Northern Hills in San Antonio.  Our San Antonio Spurs NBA basketball team, which a year ago blew Game 6 of the NBA Finals–and then the title in Game 7–to the Miami Heat, had just won the rematch on Father’s Day evening by closing out Miami 107-87 in Game 5 at the AT&T Center in the Alamo City.  The core theme of this victory in both the national and San Antonio media is one of Redemption.

     I could hear the celebratory horn honkings, the group cheering of the neighborhood block parties, and the postgame firecrackers and fireworks, in the distant darkness. Although I was thrilled to see the Spurs win the NBA championship, especially after last year’s collapse with a 5 point lead and only 28.5 seconds to play in Game 6, I was suddenly overcome by a strange and overpowering sadness. My first thought was of my late Father, who passed away 5 years ago.  He had been a Spurs fan since 1977.  We had lived and died together through the fortunes of this storied pro basketball team, and through the ups and downs of the championship seasons of 1999, 2003, 2005, and 2007.  I have many memories of those days with him, in his final years.  But now on this Father’s Day, the miraculous acquisition of a 5th World’s Championship for the Alamo City suddenly seemed hollow.  My Dad wasn’t here to see it, and to celebrate this San Antonio Spurs victory with his longtime Army Air Corps/Air Force golfing partners at the local Windcrest Golf Course.  These other boyhood treasures are now also gone, every last one of them.  Where did time in this cosmos go?

Colonel Karl E. Dankof (USAF, ret.) in section 54, Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, D. C., off Admiral Leahy Drive.

Colonel Karl E. Dankof (USAF, ret.) in section 54, Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, D. C., off Admiral Leahy Drive.

     There was a second thought in the night as I walked:  Thousands, millions of people can be engaged in an NBA Basketball Championship quest.  But where are these thousands, millions of souls when it comes to engaging in the study and painstaking search of God’s Word and its timeless truths, as the Holy Spirit of God directs?  

Coach Gregg Popovitch and Tim Duncan of the San Antonio Spurs after clinching a 5th NBA Title on Father's Day 2014.

Coach Gregg Popovitch and Tim Duncan of the San Antonio Spurs after clinching a 5th NBA Title on Father’s Day 2014.

     In this regard, in my brief lifetime, I have personally witnessed the demise of hunger for the Word of God in American culture and the accompanying demise of Christian morality that threatens our individual and collective survival.  It would seem that the Drug and Sexual Revolutions of the 1960s have won.  The Frankfurt School’s Institute of Social Research, and the gurus of higher Biblical criticism and impoverished American “Christianity”, have eclipsed the theology and personal piety of Lutheran and Reformed Protestant Christianity in our land, even as I speak today.  Our cherished American Republic would seem to have died, only to be replaced by an Empire taking on Beast-like characteristics.  Where are we going?  What does it mean?  Will the America many of us knew in the distant past be absolutely gone by 2025, as Pat Buchanan’s last book seems to predict?  Are we truly witnessing the Suicide of a Superpower, and the suicide of the Christian theology and culture of our forefathers?  It would seem so.

Pat Buchanan and Mark Dankof in San Antonio, Texas.  1995.

Pat Buchanan and Mark Dankof in San Antonio, Texas. 1995.

     It was not always so, either in the United States specifically or in the Western world generally.  Dr. C. George Fry’s essay on Helmut Thielicke for the Handbook of Evangelical Theologians (Baker, 1993, pages 219-233) documents the hunger of average Germans for the Word of God and the Gospel in the darkest days of World War II. I share this wonderful material with you now, in the firm belief that as the signs point to the impending arrival of an American midnight in these dark days of the 21st century’s advancing onslaught, the experience of German believers and Helmut Thielicke seven decades ago will be used of the Holy Spirit of God to speak to you and to empower you, as the circumstances of advancing time enshroud each and every one of us in the days and nights emerging.

Helmut Thielicke:  Preaching the Gospel near Midnight in the Stuttgart Cathedral.

Helmut Thielicke: Preaching the Gospel near Midnight in the Stuttgart Cathedral.

     Dr. Fry notes that when Thielicke was ordained as a Lutheran pastor in 1941, it was not at all evident that he would become Germany’s “preacher for apocalyptic times whose teaching had a sense of eschatological urgency” (Handbook of Evangelical Theologians, page 219).  The Fry essay tells us that Thielicke’s ordination in 1941 was preceded by his 1940 removal by the State from his initial teaching position at the University of Heidelberg (p. 223).  His unemployment only ended due to the courage and grace of Bishop Theophil Wurm of the territorial church of Wurttemberg, who provided Thielicke a pastorate in the little town of Ravensburg in southern Germany, where the Gestapo imposed an injunction which proscribed Thielicke from traveling or speaking anywhere else in the country (p. 223).  It is noteworthy that in this time frame, Thielicke’s sole comfort was in absolute immersion in the study of God’s Word (p. 224). It was perhaps assumed that Thielicke would remain in a state of exile not unlike John at Patmos under Domitian (A. D. 81-96), for the duration of his life.

     But God had other plans.  Emerging from exile in Ravensburg, Thielicke was called to head the Theological Office of the Church of Wurttemberg (1943-45), and was inexplicably given permission by the Nazi authorities to deliver an evening lecture each week in the historic Stuttgart Cathedral.  Fry underscores (p. 224) that Thielicke knew that he “must prepare people for the terrible things that lay before them by giving them instruction–quite simply, just instruction in the mysteries of our faith.”

     As Dr. Fry chronicles this, Thielicke chose basic weapons in the fight to equip his listeners:  the Word of God itself and the Small Catechism of Martin Luther.  I know these have been my own basic weapons in the fight to equip a believing remnant in the United States since my ordination 30 years ago.  But like Pastor Spears, Pastor Erickson, Pastor Thorson, and other faithful teachers of the Word in the LMS–USA, I see no present larger-scale evidence of what I believe will yet come, a renewal of hungering for the Gospel on the part of a larger segment of our communities around the country.  What will be the circumstance of this renewal future?  It is my belief that the Confessing Church will be re-energized in the Refiner’s Fire of the apocalyptic developments ahead for the United States and the globe in world history.  As it was in Germany then, so shall it be with what looms on the political horizon now.

Helmut Thielicke:  Being a Christian When the Chips are Down.  Is America Nearing Midnight?

Helmut Thielicke: Being a Christian When the Chips are Down. Is America Nearing Midnight?

     I most assuredly am not looking forward to what this is going to mean in either my life or yours.  But I do look forward to the renewal of Biblical study and the deep yearning for the Word of God and the Gospel of Christ that will move more people to seek the truth of the deepest mysteries of God, in the briefly open window of opportunity that will beckon in the midst of the terror and calamity prophesied by Christ in the Olivet Discourse.  In the time of Thielicke’s re-emergence from exile in the darkest days of the eclipse of German national fortunes in the Second World War, he would experience something I hope every faithful Pastor in this Conference Room will yet see before the ending of his days.  Let Dr. Fry unfold this marvelous testimony of those days of the Presence of Light in the midst of the darkness:

     “As he lectured [in Stuttgart Cathedral] on its five principle parts [Small Catechism of Luther]–the Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper–‘evening after evening some three thousand persons gathered together; workers and businessmen, students and professors, soldiers and generals, Nazi functionaries (naturally in civilian clothes!) and Jews, Dutch compulsory laborers . . . and sometimes whole classes from the schools.  It was an overwhelming time for me.  Never since have I experienced such intense listening.’      Soon the massive air raids began.  When the streetcars could no longer run, people ‘came on foot, often from many miles away, through the fields of ruins and rubble’ even on dark and frightening winter evenings.  But then the [Stuttgart] cathedral was destroyed.  Thielicke wrote, ‘I can still see the towering torch of this venerable house of God.  . . . I stood there holding in my hand a key to a door that no longer existed.'”

The original Stuttgart Cathedral is located in Stuttgart-Bad-Canstatt. Its history goes back all the way to 1470. After massive destruction during the Second World War, the church was rebuilt in 1954/55.

The original Stuttgart Cathedral is located in Stuttgart-Bad-Canstatt. Its history goes back all the way to 1470. After massive destruction during the Second World War, the church was rebuilt in 1954/55.

     With Thielicke and the destruction of the Stuttgart Cathedral in mind, with reference to the impending threats to our country and the world in the 21st century, let us again turn briefly to my remarks before many of you in Indianapolis in 1996 in Creeds and Confessions as Liturgy.  The central question of both 1996 and 2014 is the same one posed by Thielicke 70 years ago to the German people.  It is the core question of all of history and eternity alike:  Who is Jesus Christ and Why and How did He become the Word [λόγος] Who Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us? (John 1:14).  To effectively answer this question, each and every believer must once again “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints (Jude, verse 3).”  We can only contend when we are immersed in the knowledge of the Word of God and the Confessions of our Faith as the Holy Spirit of God directs during countless hours of personal and collective study.  We must avail ourselves of the Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6).

The Word (Logos) is God.

The Word (Logos) is God.

     The Biblical text from John’s Gospel for today demonstrates the humanity and divinity of the λόγος.  As we saw in my 1996 paper to this gathering in Indianapolis, the Ancient Church was not inventing its doctrine of the λόγος.  It was fighting for the maintenance of the Biblical witness to the identity of the λόγος against all heretical and apostate teachers with their false doctrine and witness.  In 1996, I stated:

     “If we assume the legitimacy of the Sola Scriptura today, and assume a commitment to the Lutheran Confessions as the normative explication of what the Bible teaches, an appropriate launching point for answering some of these raised questions may lie in what occurs first in the Book of Concord of 1580, namely the listing of the Three Ecumenical Creeds, or Three Chief Symbols of the Church as the foundational basis of all the Confessions which follow. This is important for several reasons.  First, the Confessions wanted to reiterate that their articles of faith were neither recent nor heretical, but were undergirded by the theological and historical foundations of the early Church. Second, it is noteworthy that the controversies of the second, third, and fourth centuries were consistently deemed applicable to the struggles of the Reformers in the sixteenth century. Third, if historical and theological struggles and issues of centuries two, three, and four continued to be relevant in the sixteenth, one might suspect the possibility of a prima facie relevance of those developments to a church under renewed attack from similar, in some cases identical forces, as we approach the beginning of the twenty first century. The writer of Ecclesiastes states that, ‘There is nothing new under the sun.’—this may well be his verdict on Biblical theology’s constantly recast conflict with false doctrine — fought time and again within the confines and context of redemptive history.”

     When you and I sing and say today all of the components of the Ancient Liturgy, which constantly employ Scripture and the ancient witness to the core teaching in all of Scripture regarding the identity and significance of the λόγος, we stand with our ancient brothers and sisters in Christ against the identical heresies and apostasies of Satan sown in the false teachers and deceivers of our time.  These range from the Clown Eucharists of the Episcopal, United Methodist, and ELCA liberals and universalists in our midst, to the Trivial Pursuits and cultural accommodationism of the Southern Baptist pastor in Houston two decades ago who conducted a “service” on Super Bowl Sunday vested in an NFL referee’s uniform and whistle. We stand with the Confessing Church of the Ages against the apostates of the “Reimagining Conference 1993” who blasphemed the Holy Trinity by worshiping the Goddess Sophia, and who venerated radical feminism and lesbianism even as the Conference banner in the sanctuary was an exquisitely embroidered picture of The Beast.  And we stand with our ancient counterparts as the Lutheran Reformers of the 16th century did, against the outright Montanism and exhibitionism of a “Prayer and Praise” service witnessed by people in this Conference Room 24 years ago at the Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota.  The writer of Ecclesiastes indeed understood the verdict of history and linear time:  “There is nothing new under the sun.”

     John’s witness to the  λόγος is repristinated each time we sing the Kyrie, Agnus Dei, or Nunc Dimittis.  It is repristinated each time we confess our faith with the Apostles’, Nicene, or Athanasian Creed.  We encounter the λόγος in the mystery of the Eucharist tied to the Biblical Words of Institution of Christ.  We encounter λόγος in the Old Testament, New Testament Epistle, and New Testament Gospel readings.  He is a living reality, yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  We deny λόγος when we bend to the whims of the post-Christian spirit of this dark age, embodied in the false teachers and teachings already enumerated.  

     And what a blessed Biblical witness to the  λόγος lies before us in John’s text today and throughout his Gospel!  The identity of the  λόγος is clearly stated in John’s prologue, even as it is through the entirety of the book woven around 7 Miracles and 7 Discourses emphasizing the linkage of the  λόγος to the I Am of the Old Testament (6:35, 48; 8:12; 9:5; 10:7, 9; 10:11, 14; 11:25; 14:6; 15: 1-5.).

Jesus Christ, the Logos. John, chapter 1.

Jesus Christ, the Logos. John, chapter 1.

     Klappert gives us the roadmap for understanding John’s Prologue.  He divides it into 3 sections:

     “ 1)  The pre-existent being of the λόγος (John 1: 1-4).  ‘In the beginning’ is the λόγος–not ‘at the beginning’ of Creation (Genesis 1:1), but in the ‘time before time’ of divine eternity–was the λόγος (pre-existence of the Word, John 1:1), the λόγος was with God (personal reference, John 1:2), indeed the ‘λόγος was God’ (essential divinity of the λόγος, John 1:1) .  By this λόγος , whereby the universe was created, men have their life and the benefit of light (John 1:3f.).  2)  The coming of the λόγος to the world of men and his incomprehensible rejection (John 1: 5-13).  The λόγος who came into the world, to whom John the Baptist bore witness (John 1: 6-8; in the Evangelist’s mind vv. 5ff. thus already hint at the Incarnation), was rejected by men in an incomprehensible way (John 1: 9-11), with the exception of those who came to faith and thus became children of God (John 1:12f.)  3)  The event of the incarnation of the λόγος and its redeeming significance (John 1: 14-18).  Without surrendering–indeed, rather, in the application of his essential divinity, the λόγος became a mortal man (sarx), took up residence amongst men, and, as the presence of God’s glory with men, signified the gift of God’s grace and covenant faithfulness to them (John 1: 14, 16), surpassing the OT revelation of the word in the commandment and becoming event in Jesus Christ (John 1:17f.).”    [λόγος: DNTT, vol. 3, pages 1081-1146, esp. p. 1115, B. Klappert, author; Colin Brown, editor ] 

     The Who is Jesus Christ? has been answered in John’s Prologue and in linear history in time and space.  The Why of Jesus Christ is also stated in the Prologue, and what is arguably the greatest summary statement in all of Scripture, found at the conclusion of the Evangelist’s Gospel:

     “And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book:  but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20: 30-31).

     When we confess our Biblical faith through Creeds, Confessions, and Liturgy, we reaffirm the faith of the ages and  “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints (Jude, verse 3)”.  We stand with our Lord against the false witness of Caiphas, the Sanhedrin, and the mob which called for the release of Barabbas.  We stand with the Apostles in witness against the Jewish and Roman opponents of the Gospel in the first century.  We stand with the Ancient Fathers and Councils against the 5 heresies of Gnosticism, Marcionism, Montanism, Monarchianism, and Arianism that were chronicled for you in Indianapolis in 1996.  We stand with Luther and Chemnitz against Pope Leo X and the heresies of the Council of Trent in the 16th century.

     And we also stand against the evil forces and developments of our own day.  Our Pauline text from 2 Timothy 3: 1-5, and our Lord’s witness to the events of the future preceding his Second Coming in Matthew 24: 3-4 guarantee this.  Make no mistake about it.  You and I will be challenged and oppressed for our faith in Christ in ways not previously seen or encountered by most of us.  To  “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints (Jude, verse 3)” as our illustrious predecessors did, will require the ongoing presence and empowerment of the Holy Spirit beyond anything we have known before.  The Spirit’s leading and protection will be directly proportional to our involvement with the Word and with the Sacrament.  Our future pathway in faith in Christ is guaranteed to be the toughest and most taxing journey of our lives, even as the Blessed Return of our Lord stands at the end of that race.

     H.-C. Hahn notes this in DNTT.  The καιροὶ of “the final days” (2 Timothy 3: 1-5) is a “tension-laden time“.  καιροὶ is a “point of time, a moment” which “characterizes a critical situation, one which demands a decision, one into which man is perhaps led by fate.”  Used in a negative sense, it “implies danger”   [καιροὶ:  DNTT, vol. 3, pages 833-39; H.-C. Hahn, author; Colin Brown, editor].

     That danger is linked to the deception our Lord warned us would come in Matthew 24: 3-4  [πλανήσῃ:  DNTT, vol. 2, pages 457-61; W. Gunther, author; Colin Brown, editor].  W. Gunther indicates that the classical Greek usage of deception is inextricably linked to injustice (adikia) and evil (kakia).  He states that in the New Testament, the active verb for deception is used almost exclusively in an apocalyptic sense and of false teachers.  As an adjective, the term is used to describe deceitful spirits (I Timothy 4:1).  As a noun, it is used to describe a deceiver, an imposter, a false teacher. In the New Testament, the verb “to deceive” is used interchangeably with the verb “to destroy” (apollyo).  And Satan is described specifically as The Destroyer (Revelation 9:11).  H.-C. Hahn notes in quoting Oepke in DNTT, Vol. 1. pages 462-65 that we may reliably link deception and destruction in the New Testament sense asdefinitive destruction, not merely in the sense of the extinction of physical existence, but rather of an eternal plunge into Hades and a hopeless destiny of death.”

     We must be convinced, as John was on Patmos during his exile at the hands of Domitian (A. D. 81-96), that earthly exile is far better than experiencing this Second Death.

     Surely by now you know the drill.  These are the stakes.  This is the apocalyptic struggle of our time, soon to intensify as the fight of our lives, the fight of our souls, for everything we have ever believed and confessed in Creeds, Confessions, and Liturgy.  We will indeed, in these final days, “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints (Jude, verse 3).”

     As I began today with a story, I will uphold my reputation as The Storyteller by concluding with one.  This one goes back to Friday, December 14th, 2012.  I was on a United Arab Emirates flight which had departed Dubai for Houston, Texas.  In a way I have never quite experienced before, I witnessed something from the distant past, which took me back to some of the happiest days of my youth, preceding the hardships and tragedies of later years that often visit me–as they do all of us–in the darkest of our thoughts in troubled nights.  As my experience on the aircraft suddenly transported me in the speed of light to a time almost 4 decades prior in a reverse flight through linear time, I was simultaneously catapulted into eternity in the Kingdom of God, in the presence of the Triune God and all of the Saints of God by a forward thrust in linear time ended instantaneously by the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  It goes something like this:

     The biggest surprise of the trip—was the return flight to Texas from Dubai on Emirates Airlines, after arriving in Dubai from Durban and waiting 4 hours in Dubai for the connection to Houston.      I always prefer aisle seats on aircraft, for easy access to the restroom and to walk around when permitted, especially on flights of 25 hour duration.  I had forgotten to request them of Emirates Airlines while in Durban for the return to the United States and managed to be wedged into a window seat in the very back of the Boeing 777, in Seat 50 K.      There were 3 advantages to this assignment I had not planned on.  The first is that Seat 50 K on a Boeing 777 on Emirates Airlines has one literally right across from the restroom facility, and with easy access to the back of the aircraft to procure additional snacks and drinks from the flight attendants in between peak service times.  The second proved to be a delightful encounter with an African American woman from Texas seated next to me, who was a schoolteacher in Dubai.  She had a great personality and plenty of inside information on living and working in that locale in the United Arab Emirates.      The third was a ringside seat to scenery of my sojourn of many years ago:  Iran.        Unlike the flight from Houston to Dubai on my way to South Africa, where the plane straddled the Iran-Iraq border as it split the very middle of the Persian Gulf at night on the approach to Dubai (I did see the coastal lights of Bandar Abbas from the left side of the aircraft and my aisle seat of that evening), the return journey took the interested passenger through the heart of modern Iran and ancient Persia.      There they were again as I proceeded in a South to North fashion through the central corridor:  the combination of clay-colored desert and jagged mountains with occasional snow caps beneath me as I traveled an aerial salient with the Shiraz-Isfahan-Tehran axis to my left (west), and the Kerman-Mashhad axis to my right (east); I followed the plane’s crossing of the Kerman to Yazd railroad tracks below, and then the stark, haunting beauty of the Kavir-e-Lut to the east, followed by the eventual appearance of the Dasht-e-Kavirdesert (The Salt Desert) in the country’s north-central interior.      Only one question remained.  Would I see Tehran once more after an absence of many years, or would this be the exclusive privilege of the denizens of the left side of the aircraft looking westward as we continued our northern route toward the Caspian Sea?        The answer arrived soon enough.  I would not witness Iran’s capital from Emirates Airlines Flight EK 211 traveling ponderously at an altitude of just under 30,000 feet in a strange arc from Dubai to Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Texas.      What I did see in a marvelous panorama as the plane banked slightly was a view of snow enshrouded Mount Damavand (elevation 18,406 feet/Kuh-e-Damavand, elevation 5671 metres) as the aircraft approached it, and finally did a direct flyover.  There was another gift of the Divine to me while seated in seat 50 K:  when approaching Damavand, I had a brief, but clear glimpse of Lar Valley (Daryacheh-ye-Sadd-e-Lar).

Damavand in Winter, just as I witnessed it on December 14, 2012 on Emirates Airlines.

Damavand in Winter, just as I witnessed it on December 14, 2012 on Emirates Airlines.

     The first American pastor to serve in Persia described Lar Valley and summer camping in a book entitled,Persia and the Persians.  My late Father and I would camp and fish there a lifetime ago, in the summertimes during my visits to my parents in between undergraduate college years in the United States.  The nighttime sky there is permanently etched in my mind.  One does not see stars there, but entire galaxies and planets seemingly close enough to reach out and touch.  Sleeping in pup tents and sleeping bags is facilitated by the stillness of the Valley in the nocturnal hours, permeated only by the incessant but soothing presence of the voice of God in the form of “the rush of many waters” (Revelation 1:15).        The words of Hafez in the 14th century came to consciousness:

Lie down beside the flowing stream

and see life passing by and know

that of the world’s transient nature

this one sign is enough for us.

     After passing over Damavand, I looked at my watch and the GPS system screen in front of me in seat 50 K.  It was 0210 Central time in Texas in the United States on Friday, December 14th.  Tehran time was exactly 1140 on the same day in history.      All of a sudden, I was no longer a middle aged man of 57 in transit from South Africa to America.  I was a young 19 year old college kid again, fishing with my Father and swapping stories with him at night in the Sadd-e-Lar.  I was hiking in the hills at the foot of Mount Damavand in early summer.  I was playing center field again on the Air Force Detachment 333 fast pitch softball team playing against the U. S. Army team in the stadium at Gulf District, the American military outpost off Saltanatabad Avenue in north Tehran in the Pahlavi years.  I saw myself wandering around in great wonderment in the ruins of Persepolis, searching for the treasures contained in the cities of Isfahan and Shiraz, running the Vacation Bible School for kids in the summertime atmosphere of Community Church of Tehran, embarking on a 7 mile run at 0500 beginning each day from my parents’ apartment in the city, or approaching the tomb of Cyrus the Great at Pasargadae with the respect accorded to one mentioned by the Old Testament repeatedly as a prototype and forerunner of Jesus Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (2 Chronicles 22-23; Ezra, chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6; Isaiah, chapters 44 and 45; and Daniel, chapters 1, 6, 10).

Cyrus the Great's tomb at Pasargadae, Iran is captured on a winter night most magnificently by the astrophotography of Oskin D. Zakarian of Tehran.

Cyrus the Great’s tomb at Pasargadae, Iran is captured on a winter night most magnificently by the astrophotography of Oskin D. Zakarian of Tehran.

       It was so long ago.  Yet it was only yesterday.  And it all came flooding back in a handful of minutes on Emirates Flight EK 211 between the United Arab Emirates and the State of Texas.      There was one especially strange manifestation during this brief gift of God 30,000 feet above earth.  Immediately upon crossing a brief segment of the Caspian Sea in leaving Iranian airspace, the perfect visibility I had possessed from Bandar Abbas to Lar Valley and Damavand had absolutely vanished.  While the GPS screen informed me of the Boeing 777′s impending overflight of Baku, Azerbaijan, a solid sheet of impenetrable white clouds completely obscured any view from above.  This sudden departure of visibility continued through the Balkans and most of Europe.  Had the Hidden Hand of Creation, Redemption, and theNew Heaven and the New Earth kept this cloud cover north of the Iranian border for an appointed purpose?      I was neither irritated nor disappointed in what I did not view from Baku northward.  I saw what God wanted me to see, from the humble vantage point of Seat 50 K in Economy Class on Emirates Airlines Flight EK 211.  The perpetual movement of Time and the relentless advance of Biological Age in decades speeding by with the speed of light, had momentarily halted.  Eternity was in full view, an Eternity firmly in the center of the Kingdom of God, occupied by His Saints past, present, and future.  What I witnessed in Iranian airspace on December 14th is a promissory note promising all good things to come for the true Israel of God bathed in the blood of the Lamb.      Spring is indeed near.

     Spring is indeed near, for all the Saints of God on this beautiful day in Wisconsin in June of the Year of Our Lord, 2014.  Be sure of this! And may the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless you today, tomorrow, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

A River Runs Through Iran's Lar Valley.  It presages the soothing presence of the voice of God in the form of “the rush of many waters” (Revelation 1:15).

A River Runs Through Iran’s Lar Valley. It presages the soothing presence of the voice of God in the form of “the rush of many waters” (Revelation 1:15).

FDR and Pearl Harbor: The Primer for the Zionist Assault on the American Republic and the Nation of Iran

[Presented in modified/edited form as FDR and Pearl Harbor:  The Primer for the Zionist Assault on the American Republic and the Nation of Iran for the American Free Press conference in Austin, Texas on November 9th, 2013. Mark Dankof was interviewed by Dave Gahary before the conference began.]

Mark Dankof's speech at the American Free Press conference in Austin, Texas on Nov 9th, 2013 is entitled, "FDR and Pearl Harbor:  The Primer for the Zionist Assault on the American Republic and the Nation of Iran."

Mark Dankof’s speech at the American Free Press conference in Austin, Texas on Nov 9th, 2013 is entitled, “FDR and Pearl Harbor: The Primer for the Zionist Assault on the American Republic and the Nation of Iran.”

[Originally issued with the title below]

Preemptive War, State Sponsored Terrorism, Cultural Subversion, and the Criminalization of Dissent as a Total Package of Zionist/Jewish Methodology

by Mark Dankof

 Scheduled to have been delivered in Tehran, Iran/August/September 2013 at the Freethinkers/New Horizon Conference which was subsequently cancelled. The presentation was presented with an award in Tehran in 2013 by the National Congress of 17000 Iranian Terror Victims.

Mark Dankof in Washington, D. C. in November of 2011

Mark Dankof in Washington, D. C. in November of 2011


Eternally Dedicated to the Old American Right, the Old American Republic which hated Empire, and the Nation and People of Iran”

     Let me begin by saying that I have my own reasons for being in Iran today.  As one who is an orthodox Lutheran Christian, and who loves the Constitutional heritage of an America that is long gone, I am reminded at this moment that back in early July, at the pro-Zionist national conclave of the so-called Christians United for Israel (CUFI) founded by John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Malcolm Hoenlein, the Executive Vice-President of the  Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, made the statement when receiving the Defender of Israel award from Hagee’s organization, that American Christian support of Israel and its bellicose policies toward Iran, was Israel’s “nuclear weapon.”  At this same gathering, the Israeli press quoted Hoenlein as saying “. . . the Jewish lobby is a myth.  Our job is to make it a legend.

The Samson Option:  The Zionist State's Endgame for the Middle East and the World?

The Samson Option: The Zionist State’s Endgame for the Middle East and the World?

     Make no mistake about it.  The Talmudic Racial Supremacist doctrine of Zionism has nothing to do with Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ.  And the fraudulent 19th century interpretation of the Bible known as Dispensational Premillennialism, popularized by the Scofield Reference Bible, is both bad theology and bad foreign policy for the United States (see my paper on Dispensationalism entitled “A Historical Critique of Dispensationalism, Zionism, and Daniel’s Prophecy of 70 Weeks“). As an American and a Christian, I am called to expose Hagee and Hoenlein and their Fellow Travelers as the clones of the Prince of Darkness.  They are evil.  Their ideology is evil.  Those who blindly follow them are on the road to perdition, even as they take the United States and the world down a pathway to global tragedy. All of this is why I am here today.

Christian Zionist John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio and Christians United for Israel (CUFI): Netanyahu's point man in enlisting American evangelicals in World War III for the Zionist Enterprise and the New World Order.

Christian Zionist John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio and Christians United for Israel (CUFI): Netanyahu’s point man in enlisting American evangelicals in World War III for the Zionist Enterprise and the New World Order.

     There is yet another reason.  I love Iran, and always have since I first visited it as a young person of only 18 years of age. It is almost impossible to believe I am back here again after so many years of absence from this great country and interaction with its wonderful people.  I was here a lifetime ago, in terms of everything that has happened since the late 1970s in the world, to American-Iranian relations, and to me personally.

     I owe a debt of gratitude for both invitations to visit Iran once more after a 37 year absence, both to the 2nd International Conference of Independent Thinkers (New Horizon) sponsored by the Iranian Ministry of Culture, and the Habilian Association of Iran, which has done more to chronicle the hideous history of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) in the murder of some 17,000 Iranian citizens, than any other organization of which I am personally aware.

     When I think of Iran just now, my mind goes back to the early summer of 1973.  I had just graduated from high school in Dayton, Ohio.  My late father had returned in April of that year from Vietnam, to subsequently retire from the United States Air Force after 32 years of active duty service. I had been accepted for the fall of 1973 for collegiate study at Valparaiso University in Indiana, America’s largest Lutheran institution of higher education.

Valparaiso University's Chapel of the Resurrection. Largest University Chapel in the United States.

Valparaiso University’s Chapel of the Resurrection. Largest University Chapel in the United States.

     My father’s intention was to settle down, preferably in the American Midwest, after decades of traveling around the world and moving his family on a constant basis.  His two leading possibilities for civilian employment involved teaching at either Kearney State Teachers College in Nebraska, or his alma mater, the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO).  As it turned out, the open doors in these places quietly closed during his last several years in Southeast Asia.  Other inquiries in the spring and early summer of 1973 turned up empty.

     But when he sent a resume to an American aerospace company, Lockheed, there was immediate interest.  The phone rang in my parents’ apartment in Dayton.  It was Lockheed in Marietta, Georgia outside of Atlanta.  My father’s presence was requested in Atlanta immediately for a job interview.  The company wanted to fly my mother down there also for conversation.

     Upon return from Atlanta, my parents announced in Dayton they were leaving the United States again for a new assignment: My father was to become an employee of the Lockheed Company, serving as a logistics advisor and consultant to the Imperial Iranian Air Force.

Mark Dankof's father's headstone in section 54, Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, D. C.

Mark Dankof’s father’s headstone in section 54, Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, D. C.

     I remember being incredulous, first that after retirement from the American Air Force, my father’s first job in civilian life since 1941 would involve leaving the United States for the umpteenth time.  Second, I had only the vaguest of ideas as to where Iran was, and of what interest it was to my own country.  That is how ignorant I was, how little I really knew.  This is especially revealing when one considers that I was far more well traveled and politically astute than the vast percentage of American youth my age at that time. TV News, newspapers, and conversations on matters political were standard fare in my home growing up.  My travels with my father to Southeast Asia in the summer of 1972 after finishing a year at Iolani School in Honolulu had begun to open up horizons beyond American borders.  But it was only a beginning.

     In my case, first coming to this country for a visit in May of 1974, two months short of my 19th birthday, changed the course of my life.  I would return here in the summer of 1975 and 1976, as well as the Christmas seasons of those two years.  I would celebrate my 21st birthday in this country, the month and summer of the American Bicentennial (1976).

Mark Dankof turns 21 in North Tehran during the American Bicentennial.

Mark Dankof turns 21 in North Tehran during the American Bicentennial.

     In those brief visits, I made the most I could of the experience.  I began finding English language books on the history of Iran.  I began traveling outside Tehran, including Iranian Azerbaijan, the Caspian region, Lar Valley, Isfahan, Shiraz, Pasargadae, and Persepolis.  Since I was on summer vacation from college in Indiana, I did not have the time to spend trying to learn Farsi.  This is a deficiency I have felt personally in all the years since leaving this country.  Someday I would like to remedy this, even at a far more advanced age now. If my profile as an American political dissident in the last two decades results in my eventual exile from the country of my birth, perhaps I would come full circle and reside here for the duration.  Learning the language would no longer be a luxury, but a necessity.

     I do not say this lightly.  To put into perspective how vulnerable I and several others could prove to be, as critics of the Zionist-inspired American Empire and our Israel First policies, Dr. Philip Giraldi, the ex-CIA analyst and outstanding critic of Israel and Zionism found at the Council for the National Interest,, and The American Conservative, directly warned Mark Glenn and me on his own initiative, that leaving the United States before the next Presidential “election” in 2016, might prove to be an auspicious move for all three of us, and others.  He suggested several places in Latin America.  This is how late the hour might be for people in our present business and struggle.  But then again, none of us got into this for money, or career advancement, or ease, but to prevent the consummation of the most evil plan, on the part of the most evil forces, that presently exist in world history.  Let there be no mistake.  The Zionist ideology, and the international banking system and technocracy which are attempting to establish the New World Order, are not simply evil, but the greatest evil to threaten humanity in history.  In this regard, The Apocalpyse of John written on the island of Patmos during the reign of Emperor Domitian (A. D. 81-96), coincides with the eschatological analysis of Islam in terms of the identity of the Beast and the forces aligned with him that threaten us all today who are here.

John on Patmos:  Exiled Because of Resistance to the Emperor Worship Cultus of Domitian  (A. D. 81-96).

John on Patmos: Exiled Because of Resistance to the Emperor Worship Cultus of Domitian
(A. D. 81-96).

     But reading books of all kinds was a critical factor in moving me over many years to a better and more critical understanding of American history, the American political scene, and the increasingly evil character of my own government as that evolved over the course of my lifetimeYou must all understand that I did this almost entirely on my own.  The American educational system as I experienced it in both public and private institutions largely failed me, and many others, by failing to facilitate the  examination of all the responsible sources and engaging in honest self-examination of our country’s real history, and the meaning of that history.  This is not by accident, but design. Critical analysis of facts was replaced with Mythology, for reasons we shall understand more fully in a few minutes.

     As a thesis statement for my portion of this program, let me state that Mythological Interpretation of History is the key to facilitating the acceptance of the unthinkable: being ruled by a government committed to the ideology of Preemptive War, State Sponsored Terrorism, Cultural Subversion, and the Criminalization of Dissent by those who stridently disagree with these policies and their acceptability in a civilized society.  The other side of the Coin of Mythological Interpretation is Demonization, the Demonization of the victims of these policies.  A corollary of Demonization is the denial of the humanity of the victims, and their status as God’s children.   A corollary of both Mythological Interpretation and Demonization is the spinning of deliberate falsehoods, especially through Controlled Mass Media in a technological age.  A related corollary is the Erasure of Historical Memory, when it comes to individual and collective recall of the factual and the accurate, which cannot be tolerated by any government committed to Preemptive War, State Sponsored Terrorism, Cultural Subversion, and the Criminalization of Dissent.

     In terms of our Conference participants understanding how my personal Odyssey to a better place began, and how all of this relates to the present situation with Iran vis a vis the United States and the Zionist State of Israel, I will simply mention a few events.

     The first is the Kennedy Assassination.  I was in the 3rd grade at Floyd Elementary School in Montgomery, Alabama in November of 1963.  My father was stationed at the Air War College there.  I was terrified that afternoon, and all through the weekend.  I would later witness Jack Ruby’s televised murder of Lee Harvey Oswald that Sunday.  When the Warren Commission in 1964 told the American public that Oswald acted alone, my father indicated his support for this verdict.

Mark Dankof in November of 1963:  Age 8, Montgomery, Alabama.

Mark Dankof in November of 1963: Age 8, Montgomery, Alabama.

     But my own youthful reading led me in 1966 at the age of 11 to Mark Lane’s expose, Rush to Judgment and to Josiah Thompson’s Six Seconds in Dallas.  These in turn led me to many other books on the subject over many years.  A real turning point was at Valparaiso University in 1975 where African American comedian Dick Gregory showed me and a few others the infamous Zapruder film, complete with Frame 313.  This film had been suppressed from public view for a dozen years after the killing.  I could see why, after viewing the film. Kennedy was clearly the victim of a crossfire, involving multiple assassins.  The American public was lied to by its own government.  The Warren Commission’s foundation, the Single Bullet theory contrived by Israeli Lobby asset, Arlen Specter, was a scientific and ballistical absurdity.  What was going on here?  This began not only my search for the truth about Kennedy’s death, but a search for the larger philosophical questions about the character of my own government, and the search for the implications of the answers, which would haunt me for half a century thereafter.

The Linear Progression from Dealey Plaza to 9-11 and War with Iran: Mark Dankof photo of Elm Street from the Grassy Knoll in Dallas, September 1st, 2010.

The Linear Progression from Dealey Plaza to 9-11 and War with Iran: Mark Dankof photo of Elm Street from the Grassy Knoll in Dallas, September 1st, 2010.

     After thousands of pages of reading over many years, and talking to people who actually knew something personally about Kennedy’s violent end, I finally discovered Michael Collins Piper and his book, Final Judgment, after September 11th, 2001.  The contents of that book tied so many loose ends together, even as I was delving into the 9-11 event with questions that led to many of the same forces and suspects that had ended Kennedy’s life in the early 1960s.  What I now believe about Kennedy and 9-11 is not my focus today, but Conference Participants may reference my public interviews with Press TV and Kourosh Ziabari in these areas.  Especially helpful may be Kourosh Ziabari and Fars News Agency: A Conversation with Mark Dankof on Israel  and 9-11, along with Mark Dankof’s Final Word on Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgment on Israel  and the Assassination of JFK, and Mordechai Vanunu and Michael Collins Piper Converge: The Israeli Mossad Assassinated JFK.

Mark Dankof and Michael Collins Piper of the American Free Press in the Nation's Capitol:  November 2011

Mark Dankof and Michael Collins Piper of the American Free Press in the Nation’s Capitol: November 2011

     What is noteworthy for our purposes now, is not simply to see a connection between JFK and 9-11, but between these tragedies and how and why the United States ended up in World War II.  And the connection between these 3 events, and the current threat of war today in 2013 between the United States and its Zionist ally on the one hand, and Iran on the other.  I cannot overemphasize this in today’s conversation with everyone gathered here in Tehran at this very moment in time.

     The second event which tells you more about who I am now, involved one Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the infamous Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. I was not born until 1955, of course, but in the 1960s and 1970s, two different Air Force tours on Oahu with my father enabled me to develop an extreme interest in the subject.  The event that involved my life with Roosevelt’s legacy, and the tragedy of December 7th, 1941, occurred in late 1971 or early 1972, during my sojourn in high school at Iolani School in downtown Honolulu, near the Ala Wai Canal, Diamond Head, and Waikiki Beach.

Investigating FDR's Duplicity on Pearl Harbor:  Mark Dankof at Iolani School in Honolulu in 1972.

Investigating FDR’s Duplicity on Pearl Harbor: Mark Dankof at Iolani School in Honolulu in 1972.

     There was a fantastic American history teacher at Iolani in those days, the late, salty retired American Navy Captain R. C. Sleight.  He had been a destroyer skipper in World War II.  His politics were Right of Center, but he had plenty of room in the class for anyone who disagreed with his views with their own academic and political perspective, if it was credible.  His sardonic humor, Sea Captain’s expressions, and wit would be ruled out-of-bounds in American education today.  His brute frankness which cut through canards, shoddy thinking, and superficial analysis, would be intolerable to the Minions of Political Correctness [Jewish Political Correctness] that control what passes for education in the United States now.  It was my privilege to have one last conversation with him by telephone, when visiting Honolulu for my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary in 1991, 20 years after I left Iolani School as a student.  I shall never forget him.  I have thought of him many times in all the years since.

Iolani School in Honolulu:  Diamond Head, Ala Wai Canal, and Waikiki are prominent.

Iolani School in Honolulu: Diamond Head, Ala Wai Canal, and Waikiki are prominent.

     When we got to the subject of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and World War II one morning at Iolani School, Sleight became especially serious.  He made it clear that he did not agree with the Establishment Consensus on FDR, or the events that led up to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.  His reasons for this statement were not entirely elaborated upon with the class, but I noticed that the bibliography he distributed on these subjects included a section entitled Revisionist History Books on Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor.  When I returned to my home at Hickam AFB in Honolulu on the Pearl Harbor Channel Entrance on Julian Avenue that evening, I began looking at this particular section of the bibliography.  The titles told me something about the contents of the books. (I have recently gone back into this fine but dated bibliography, at the suggestion of Dr. Paul Sheldon Foote of Cal State-Fullerton, to add the Hamilton Fish volume entitled “Tragic Deception:  FDR and America’s Involvement in World War II.”

Hamilton Fish joins Herbert Hoover, John Toland, Robert Stinnett, and John Koster, in laying the foundation for the damning case against Roosevelt and his Red Agent advisors like Harry Dexter White, who set up the Pearl Harbor tragedy and everything that followed.

Hamilton Fish joins Herbert Hoover, John Toland, Robert Stinnett, and John Koster, in laying the foundation for the damning case against Roosevelt and his Red Agent advisors like Harry Dexter White, who set up the Pearl Harbor tragedy and everything that followed.

1972: Mark Dankof's Home at Hickam AFB was on Julian Ave on the Pearl Harbor Channel Entrance.

1972: Mark Dankof’s Home at Hickam AFB was on Julian Ave on the Pearl Harbor Channel Entrance.

     Did President Franklin Delano Roosevelt really know in advance that the American Pacific Fleet was going to be attacked at Pearl Harbor on the morning of December 7th, 1941?  Was that information deliberately withheld from the American Commanders at Pearl Harbor, Admiral Husband Kimmel and General Walter Short?  If so, why?  The mere thought of something like this alternated in my mind between the preposterous and the monstrousCould anyone really seriously entertain this idea who was sane?

     I could not sleep in my bedroom at Hickam AFB that night.  My night thoughts would not allow my mind a nocturnal peace, despite the Pacific Ocean breeze and the sound of rustling palm trees outside my window.  The American Air Force planes that constantly overflew my home on Julian Avenue, headed toward a landing strip at Hickam’s Military Airlift Command (MAC) terminal, also punctuated a sleepless night.

October 1940:  Hickam AFB, Pearl Harbor, Ford Island, and Battleship Row in Peace, while FDR and Harry Dexter White plot World War II.

October 1940: Hickam AFB, Pearl Harbor, Ford Island, and Battleship Row in Peace, while FDR and Harry Dexter White plot World War II.

     I made a private appointment to see Captain Sleight in his academic office at Iolani School.  When I arrived, he pointed to a chair in front of his desk.  He had the same demeanor as other military men I had grown up around in the Air Force, when serious conversation was imminent.  He told me to sit down.

     Sleight asked me why I had come in, what the nature of my concern was.  I was just as much to the point.  Basically, I indicated I’d like to know what Revisionist History was.  And whether or not he thought there was any truth to what I was picking up on in the bibliography he had passed out to the class, regarding President Roosevelt having advance knowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the American Pacific Fleet.

FDR and the USS Arizona: The Winners are the Jews, the British, the Bankers, and Stalin.

FDR and the USS Arizona: The Winners are the Jews, the British, the Bankers, and Stalin.

     He lit his infamous pipe and looked at me with a seriously piercing examination I had never quite seen before.  His question to me, before proceeding, was one I have heard a thousand times, as the son of a military man, a Lutheran pastor, an activist, and a journalist:

     “Are we speaking totally off-the-record here?

      I indicated that we were.

     Sleight then proceeded.  I will never forget what he said, and how clearly and powerfully he said it, while continuing to pierce me with the penetrating focus he always had when zeroing in on something that was pivotal.

     What he said was simply this: “Roosevelt not only knew about the attack in advance, he deliberately provoked it, from October of 1940 onward.  And the United States not only had the capability to intercept Japanese diplomatic communications, as the Tora! Tora! Tora! movie (1971) depicts, but had the network and the active Naval Intelligence operation going on throughout the Pacific, to intercept Japanese military communications.  We were listening in constantly on [Admiral] Yamamoto’s radio communications with [Admiral] Nagumo, after Nagumo departed from Hitokappu Bay in Japan in late November of 1941 with the six (6) aircraft carriers which comprised the task force which ended up 200 miles north of here, launching the attack on Pearl, Wheeler, Schofield, Hickam, Shafter, and Kaneohe on December 7th. If you want to know why, you have to find out about the [Arthur] McCollum memorandum to Roosevelt in October of 1940.  That’s the Rosetta Stone.

     How, I asked, do I find this stuff.  Answer: “Presently, you won’t.  I know about it from classified Naval Intelligence materials I’ve seen, and my conversations with a couple of the guys doing the cryptology and the intercepting in the project which was intercepting Japanese military communications.  That stuff, and the very existence of the program, is still top secret.  Maybe in your lifetime, you’ll be able to see the evidence on paper.”

     My last remark was that I had just seen a documentary film on Roosevelt’s speech to the 1940 Democratic National Convention, assuring Americans he would keep their kids out of any European, or foreign war, period.

Hickam AFB Under Japanese Attack: December 7th, 1941.

Hickam AFB Under Japanese Attack: December 7th, 1941.

     Captain Sleight cut to the chase: “Roosevelt was a duplicitous, lying son of a b—-.  He lied this country into a war that was totally avoidable.  If he’s the model of the American Presidency in the world we live in now, God help us.  The Mythology that surrounds this guy is enough to make you puke.  And don’t ever forget it.

     I never did forget it.  And yes, thanks to Robert Stinnett, author of Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, and his Freedom of Information Act law suit against the Federal Government of the United States, the evidence is now in for all to see.  Stinnett was one of those secret cryptographers in the network that was intercepting Japanese military communications in the Pacific, and the specific conversations between Yamamoto and Nagumo that Captain R. C. Sleight had told me about in Honolulu decades before.  His book includes the infamous McCollum Memorandum of October 1940 and its so-called Eight (8) Point Action Memodesigned to provoke Japan into an overt act of war.”

     The complete text of the McCollum Memorandum is presented in Appendix A of the Stinnett book, which provides a photographic copy of what Stinnett discovered personally in Box 6 of a special U. S. Navy collection in RG 38 in the Military Reference Branch of Archives II, January 24, 1995.

Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum, fluent in Japanese as one who grew up in Japan as the son of American Baptist missionaries there, was the head of the Far East desk of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).  His office was an element of Station US, a secret American cryptographic center located at the main naval headquarters at 18th Street and Constitution Avenue N. W., about four blocks from the White House.  As Stinnett freely admits it in Day of Deceit, the Eight (8) Point Action Memo called for “virtually inciting a Japanese attack on American ground, air and naval forces in Hawaii, as well as on British and Dutch colonial outposts in the Pacific region.”

The Eight (8) Points are as follows:

1.  Make an arrangement with Britain for the use of British bases in the Pacific, particularly Singapore.

2.  Make an arrangement with Holland for the use of base facilities and acquisition of supplies in the Dutch East Indies [now Indonesia].

3.  Give all possible aid to the Chinese government of Chiang Kai-shek.

4.  Send a division of long-range heavy cruisers to the Orient, Philippines, or Singapore.

5.  Send two divisions of submarines to the Orient.

6.  Keep the main strength of the U. S. Fleet, now in the Pacific, in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands.

7.  Insist that the Dutch refuse to grant Japanese demands for undue economic concessions, particularly oil.

8.  Completely embargo all trade with Japan, in collaboration with a similar embargo imposed by the British Empire.

     It is critical that we understand the exact timing of this Eight (8) Point Action Memo of Lieutenant Commander Arthur McCollum, as Stinnett explains it to us:

     “[Admiral] Richardson’s removal [as CINCPAC, or Commander in Chief Pacific] on February 1st, 1941, strengthened the position of McCollum.  Only five months earlier, in mid-September 1940, Germany and her Axis partner, Italy, had signed a mutual-assistance alliance with Japan.  The Tripartite Pact committed the three partners to assist each other in the event of an attack on any one of them.  McCollum saw the alliance as a golden opportunity.  If Japan could be provoked into committing an overt act of war against the United States, then the Pact’s mutual assistance provisions would kick in.  It was a back-door approach: Germany and Italy would come to Japan’s aid and thus directly involve the United States in the European war.”

     Thus, the roadmap for what Stinnett terms “FDR’s Back Door to War” was set.  Perhaps the greatest indication of the mindset of both Arthur McCollum and Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the former’s “Action D,” which involved the deliberate deployment of American warships within or adjacent to the territorial waters of Japan.  We now know that FDR personally took charge of secret White House meetings where Action D was discussed and implemented.  The President termed these illegal and reckless provocations “pop-up” cruises. These cruises were opposed by Admiral Husband Kimmel (CINCPAC commander) who objected to Action D as “. . . ill-advised and will result in war if we make this move.”  Stinnett notes that:

     “From March through July 1941, White House records show that FDR ignored international law and dispatched naval task groups into Japanese waters on three such pop-up cruises.  One of the most provocative was a sortie into the Bungo Strait southeast of Honshu, the principal access to Japan’s Inland Sea.  The strait separates the home islands of Kyushu and Shikoku, and was a favored operational area for the warships of the Imperial Japanese Navy in 1941.”

     Footnote 11 for chapter 2 of Day of Deceit clinches how deeply involved Franklin Roosevelt was in these reckless, illegal, provocative, and un-Constitutional actions embodied in Action D.  Stinnett’s footnote states:

     “Documentation that directly links FDR with McCollum’s Action D–sending US Navy cruisers in provocative moves against Japan includes the following: the first discussion in the White House February 10, 1941. Present were President Roosevelt; Secretary of State, Cordell Hull; Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson; Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox; General George Marshall, Army Chief of Staff; and Admiral Harold R. Stark, Chief of Naval Operations.  Stark warned FDR that the cruises “will precipitate hostilities.” PHPT 16-2150 and PHPT 33, p. 1203.  FDR advocated the cruises, says Stark in PHPT 33, p. 1203.”

     There is another critical Rosetta Stone and smoking gun in the Pearl Harbor conspiracy involving Franklin Roosevelt and the subsequent set-up of Admiral Husband Kimmel (CINCPAC), and the later publication of the fraudulent Roberts Commission report on the Pearl Harbor attack.  I will simply mention it for those subsequently interested in further research of this horrifying episode in American history: The Prokofiev Seamount (Stinnett 146, 148, 150, 233) and the Vacant Sea Order (Stinnett 144-46, 149, 160, 187, 188, 193).  These gems are accompanied by the White House Route Logs and Station US files, RG 38, MMRB, Archives H Document, which lists the Thirty Six Americans Cleared to Read the Japanese Diplomatic and Military Intercepts in 1941.  What is incredible about this document is that it proves (“access restricted”) that the intelligence from this electronic surveillance and decryption was withheld from Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, CINCPAC in Hawaii, and Lieutenant General Walter Short, the Commanding General of the Hawaiian Department, U. S. Army, Fort Shafter, Oahu.  Why???

     I hope that at this point in the narrative, everyone here is already connecting the dots.  The Mythology that surrounds Franklin Delano Roosevelt to this day could not be sustained without the absolute cooperation of the American government, the corporations, the news media, Hollywood, the sycophants in the American National Security apparatus, and the educational system.  This Mythology conceals the illegal, un-Constitutional, and yes, criminal mind of America’s 32nd President.  Even more so, for those who are analyzing Roosevelt by comparison now to George W. Bush and Barack Obama, and their respective actions vis a vis Iran and the Middle East in the 21st century, the references we have already made to secrecy, duplicity, economic sanctions, and illegal covert military operations conducted by Franklin Roosevelt, should serve as an ominously suggestive prototype and precursor to what has been happening with American Presidential Administrations of recent years and their equally criminal operations against Iran.  Even more ominously, as demonstrated by Mark Weber in his essay, “President Roosevelt’s Campaign to Incite War in Europe: The Secret Polish Documents,”  the political forces operating behind and through Franklin Roosevelt, are identical to those in play in the American political power elite now: International Central Bankers and the disproportionate role of Jews in that milieu; Zionists and the Jewish and Israeli Lobby organizations; and in the case of the Roosevelt Administration, the pro-Soviet foreign policy agenda of key Jewish agents in their midst, the 20th century counterpart to the Israel  First Fifth Column operating in the Bush and Obama Administrations in the 21st, as demonstrated by the publicly revealed names in the United States involved in the successful Public Relations campaign to have the American State Department remove the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK/MKO) from the official American governmental list of known terrorist organizations around the globe.

     What is going on with this campaign?

     The what and why are crystal clear.  The Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) has been enlisted by the Israeli Mossad and the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for covert acts of terror and criminality against the present government of Iran.  The message?: Terror is legitimate when pursued by those we Mythologize, against those we Demonize and Dehumanize, so much so that the word “Terrorism” is removed in most Orwellian fashion from the MEK and its activities, to be replaced with words and terms like “Freedom Fighting” and “Human Rights.”  Historical memory of the track record of the MEK throughout its blood-stained history must be removed and erased also, as a part of a very familiar and evil process of self-justification.

The Mossad and the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK/PMOI):  Will Israel employ them in a False Flag Operation against the United States falsely pinned on Tehran? Is World War III the Endgame?

The Mossad and the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK/PMOI): Will Israel employ them in a False Flag Operation against the United States falsely pinned on Tehran? Is World War III the Endgame?

     The Israeli-linked campaign in the United States and Europe to legitimize the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) is only the tip of the iceberg.  We now know, courtesy of Seymour M. Hersh’s article, “Our Men in Iran?” in the April 6, 2012 New Yorker, and Glenn Greenwald’s U. S. Trained Terror Group” in the April 6, 2012 Salon, that the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) began training members of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) in the United States at a secret facility in Nevada in 2005.  According to one of Hersh’s informants, JSOC provided MEK personnel with “the standard training, including communications, cryptography, small-unit tactics, and weaponry” over a period of at least 6 months.  Few doubt the MEK link to the assassinations of Iranian scientists and other acts of criminality in this country in recent years, as the pro-Zionist Newsweek has virtually confirmed publicly.  But will the MEK be a convenient tool for a false flag attack in the domestic United States designed by Israel for false linkage to Iran and the provision of a subsequent causus belli (“cause for war“) for overt hostilities with Iran to commence?  Keep your ears close to the tracks. . . .  If Christopher Bollyn and Robert Sungenis are correct about the real architects of September 11, 2001, we had better anticipate the worst. . . .

     For the previously uninitiated, I will recommend several brief articles.  One is David Martin’s “Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government.” Please consult Elizabeth Rubin’s op-ed in the New York Times of August 13th, 2011 entitled, “An Iranian Cult and Its American Friends,” along with her earlier July 13, 2003 piece entitled, “The Cult of Rajavi.”  My own past interview with your Habilian Association on the MEK may prove instructive as well.  See “Iran’s Habilian Association Talks to Mark Dankof: The MEK Delisting and the Zionist War Agenda.”  And lastly, the annual documentation of Israeli PAC money funding American elections put together by the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) will document the magnitude of the problem we mutually face.

     But let us return, momentarily to Franklin Roosevelt and the run-up to Pearl Harbor.  In this instance, our focus shall now be upon the diplomatic games being played by the United States Government with Japan leading to December 7th, 1941.  Here, Mythology matches what it accomplishes with the McCollum Memorandum and its Eight (8) Point Action Memo.

     What we now know, eternally grateful to the uncovering and publishing of the real story, is that no amount of good will, no amount of concession on the part of the Japanese government in 1941, would deter Franklin Roosevelt and his Jewish power brokers from the drive to war with Japan.  Why?  This is easily understood.  1) Central Bankers always profit by war. In the case of the United States, this is fueled by the creation of the Federal Reserve Board in 1913, as a precursor to the absolute global militarization of American foreign policy ever since.  2) An American-Japanese war in the Pacific would not simply be a back-door way of involving the United States in Churchill’s war against Hitler in Europe, also a Jewish objective, but would terminate the threat of an alliance between Imperial Japan and Adolf Hitler in a two way invasion of the Soviet Union.  This was an essential objective of the Jewish power nexus.  David Martin’s aforementioned essay gingerly admits this.

     The key for understanding this last point is Operation Snow, the Rosetta Stone.  Take it to the bank.  The information about Operation Snow continues to unfold.  The recent release of John Koster’s “Operation Snow: How a Soviet Mole in FDR’s White House Triggered Pearl Harbor,” has begun this new unraveling of Establishment American History About Roosevelt and World War II in earnest.  The Soviet Mole is Harry Dexter White. White was the son of Lithuanian Jewish immigrants to the United States.  When the evidence becomes too voluminous to deny, regarding pro-Stalin agents and Franklin Roosevelt, you can at least be sure the American Establishment will detach White, and so many others, from the obvious implications of their Jewish identification.  In the same way, the modern Jewish character of the American Neo-Conservative political movement, which drives the American war machine globally and in the Middle East, which is proven by a blizzard of responsible academic research and writing, will be buried by a compliant American media and educational establishment beholden to Zionist interests.  How much longer can this continue?  And how much more obvious must it be, that every single American military operation in the Middle East and Central Asia today, is driven by the Israeli/Jewish agenda compiled by the Project for the New American Century in 1996 and its document of that time entitled, “A Clean Break: A Strategy for Securing the Realm”?

Harry Dexter White:  The Lithuanian Jew Whose Operation Snow for FDR and Joseph Stalin Killed Americans at Pearl Harbor. Can You Spell Treason?

Harry Dexter White: The Lithuanian Jew Whose Operation Snow for FDR and Joseph Stalin Killed Americans at Pearl Harbor. Can You Spell Treason?

     In the case of the tragic events of 1941, the latest revelations occur with the publication of President Herbert Hoover’s diary and the 50 pages they contain about Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor.  Edited by George Nash, the volume is entitled,Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover’s History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath.”  Everyone  here in Tehran should one day avail himself or herself of the contents, not simply to understand what happened then, but what is happening now, in the runup to a war between the United States/Israel and Iran, that I believe only Divine Intervention can stop.  The forces that desire it are those who had their way with Americans in the 1930s and 1940s.  We have been living with the aftermath ever since.

     The basic facts are these.  Japan in 1941 was bogged down in a 4 year war with China she could neither win nor end.  Japan’s move into French Indochina had created a sense that the Japanese Empire was at the end of the line in its war configuration.

     Inside the Japanese government was a powerful faction led by Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoye that desperately wanted to avoid war with the United States.  The pro-Anglo-Saxon camp included the Japanese Navy.  The  War Party within the Japanese government included the Army, General Hideki Tojo, and Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka, whose virulent anti-American views were especially pronounced in the anti-Anglo-Saxon camp in the struggle for control of the direction of the Japanese government.

     On July 18, 1941, a critically important opportunity emerged for the United States.  Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoye ousted Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka.  Konoye’s replacement proved to be a pro-Anglo-Saxon, Admiral Teijiro Toyoda.

     The American response was equally pivotal.  It proved what I believe to be just as true today of a Zionist Occupied American Government in the latter’s desire to see a war with Iran transpire, at any cost, because of the Talmudic bloodlust of the Netanyahu regime in Israel and its backers in the United States.  Franklin Roosevelt wanted war with Japan, at any cost, because the Bankers wanted that conflict to transpire as a prelude to a back-door entry into the British war with Adolf Hitler, and because it guaranteed Japan’s diversion from any threat of participation with Hitler in a two-pronged invasion of Bolshevik Russia, a Bolshevik Russia dear to the hearts of organized World Jewry and the Harry Dexter Whites of the Roosevelt administration.

Harry Dexter White:  Working for FDR, Joseph Stalin, and The Bankers.

Harry Dexter White: Working for FDR, Joseph Stalin, and The Bankers.

     On July 25, 1941, one week after the apparent victory of Konoye over Matsuoka, the United States froze all Japanese assets in the United States, ending all imports and exports, and denying Japan the oil upon which the Japanese Empire depended.  Does this sound familiar to Iranians today dealing with Mr. Roosevelt’s descendant, Barack Obama?  Is it a portent of things to come?

     One thing is clear.  Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoye, although stunned, still believed in the desire of the United States for peace with his country, and won secret support from both the Japanese Navy and Army for a meeting with Franklin Roosevelt, on the U. S. side of the Pacific, to continue good faith dialogue with the American Chief Executive.

     It is especially noteworthy that U. S. Ambassador to Japan, Joseph Grew,  implored his Administration not to ignore the overture from Konoye or the opportunity for peaceful resolution of the crisis offered.  Konoye had convinced Grew an agreement on Japanese withdrawal from Indochina, and from South and Central China, could be reached.  Fear of Mao’s armies and Stalin’s Russia  understandably prompted Japan to hold a buffer in North China.

     On August 28, 1941, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States presented Franklin Roosevelt a letter, containing Konoye’s offer to the President to meet face-to-face.  There was but one condition: Tokyo begged Roosevelt  to keep the letter, and the offer, secret.  The reason was entirely legitimate:  a public revelation of the Japanese Prime Minister’s offer to cross the Pacific to speak to an American President could imperil the survivability of his government.

     Yes, you guessed it.  On September 3, 1941, the letter and its contents were conveniently leaked to the Herald-Tribune newspaper.

     On September 6, 1941, Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoye met again with American Ambassador Joseph Grew over a 3 hour dinner, telling Grew the Japanese now agreed with the 4 principles advanced by the United States Government for peace.

     The response from Roosevelt: No response.

     On September 29, 1941, Grew sent what Herbert Hoover described as a “prayer” to Roosevelt, begging the latter not to let a chance for peace elude the United States.

     On September 30, 1941, Grew wrote to Washington, “Konoye’s warship is ready and waiting to take him to Honolulu, Alaska, or anywhere else designated by the President [Roosevelt].”

     No response.  On October 16, 1941, Konoye’s cabinet fell.

     In November, the United States intercepted 2 new offers from Tokyo: a Plan A for an end to the China war and occupation of Indochina.  If that were rejected, Plan B called for a modus vivendi where neither side would make any new moves.

     The response from Roosevelt: Rejection out of hand.

     This then brought about the infamous meeting of Franklin Roosevelt’s War Council, on November 25, 1941. In this gathering, Secretary of War Henry Stimson [privy as we have already seen to Roosevelt’s illegal incursions into Japanese territorial waters courtesy of Arthur McCollum’s Action D recommendations], makes written notes of the conversations of the War Council.  The prevailing consensus, according to Stimson, is as follows:

     “The question was how we should maneuver them (the Japanese) into. . . firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves.”

     What was the result of Mr. Roosevelt’s version of diplomacy?

     Here is the result for all to see: Thousands of lives ended or ruined, the burnt ashes of a radiated Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the fall of China to Mao, American involvement in Korea and Vietnam, the rise of Communist China, and the expansion of the Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe and elsewhere after the end of World War II.  The establishment of the Zionist State of Israel in 1948 would pin the fortunes of the United States to this entity, resulting in the present overextension of the American Empire in the Middle East and Central Asia, with yet more war to unfold.  This is why Tyler Kent, the American linguist and cryptologist operating out of the American Embassy in London, revealed to key figures in the American Congress and elsewhere, what Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill were cooking up in the runup to Pearl Harbor.  Kent was the Edward Snowden of his time.  In the aftermath of his arrest in May of 1940, his life would never be quite the same again.  The shadow of Roosevelt and his duplicity in destroying what Kent knew of the United States prior to that time, would follow the latter all the way to the end of his life in Kerrville, Texas in 1988.

     Even more ominously, it proved to be the expansion of the insidious doctrine of American Exceptionalism, the Rooseveltian belief in the Imperial Presidency as understood by Mr. Roosevelt’s successors, the explosion of growth in an American National Security State which threatens the Bill of Rights and the survivability of the American Dollar, and the ongoing expansion of Jewish power in all the basic institutions in American life since the end of the Roosevelt era and the Second World War that many argue marked the beginning of the end of the Western World. 

     These are the fruits of American “victory,” a most Pyrrhic triumph. Among these poisonous fruits has been the introduction of the demonic into the American-Iranian relationship, courtesy of the 1953 Operation Ajax of the American CIA and the British MI6, and the backing of the Rockefeller Empire, the oil consortiums, and the Zionist entity.  When we speak of Mythology, Demonization, and the Erasure of Historical Memory, let me share with you that when I visited Iran as a young person for the first time at age 18, I had no idea of what the United States had done in this country in 1953, or why.  The names of Kermit Roosevelt and Donald Wilber meant nothing to me.  The name of Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh meant nothing to me.  The increasing tension I sensed in a handful of summers in Iran in Pahlavi Iran in the 1970s was one I could not possibly understand as a young American college student.  The information, and the context, of this brewing cauldron was one that had been at first denied to me.  Later I would receive a false spin and explanation for what had happened years before, couched primarily in the notion advanced by defenders of the American Governmental Establishment that Dr. Mossadegh was a “Communist” working in tandem with the Soviet KGB in Iran against both American and the Free World.

     Thanks to the American Free Press, we now know the truth.  That fine newspaper in 2007 republished the Clandestine Service Historical Paper No. 208, authored by Dr. Donald N. Wilber in March of 1954 and entitled, “Overthrow of Prime Minister Mossadegh of Iran: November 1952-August 1953.”  That document includes various Appendices, including the “Initial Operation Plan for Project Ajax, as Cabled from Nicosia to Headquarters on 1 June 1953 [Preliminary Plan Prepared by SIS and CIA representatives on Cyprus]”; and the “London Draft of the Ajax Operational Plan.

     What does Dr. Wilber’s published document reveal, complete with the original CIA and MI6 documents from that time, now declassified?

     It reveals that the organized duplicity and criminality of Franklin Roosevelt would become the foundational methodology of every American Administration of the post-World War II period, conducted by the power elite we have already identified specifically, as the driving force behind it all. Understood comprehensively, the Mythology of Franklin Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor becomes the Prototype and Concrete Foundation for all of the official public lies that would follow, including the false official version as to why Harry Truman approved the use of atomic weapons against Hiroshima (a lie contradicted by the honesty of General Curtis E. LeMay, among others); the false official story about what happened to JFK in Dallas on November 22nd, 1963; and the false official story about who and what was behind September 11, 2001 in New York.

     The methodologies of Mythology and Demonization especially characterize the entire history of the modern Zionist State of Israel, ranging from the role of the Meyer Lansky Jewish crime syndicate in the United States in providing funding for Menachem Begin and the Irgun in their bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, to official American silence on Deir Yassin and the Sabra and Shatila massacres years later in southern Lebanon.  The silence is deafening in regard to the truth about the Lansky-Ben Gurion connection to the death of John Kennedy in Dallas and why, not to mention Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS Liberty in 1967; the PROMIS affair and Robert Maxwell; the Pollard and AIPAC spy cases; the Israeli link to the crimes of the MEK in Iran in recent years; and the obvious Israeli link to the tragedy of American interventionism in the Middle East for decades, especially since the false flag incident of September 11, 2001.

What will be the next move of the Masters of the False Flag Operation?  "By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt do War."

What will be the next move of the Masters of the False Flag Operation? “By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt do War.”

     The most obvious Mythological Falsehood is this: That the Zionist State of Israel and the Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG) of the United States want peace and mutual trust and coexistence in the Middle East, compounded by the Demonization of Iran as the alleged source of every evil in the region.  It is no different in any sense from the lies of 1940 and 1941 that Franklin Roosevelt and his backers wanted peace with Japan in the Pacific, and that the failure to achieve it was the result of Japanese intransigence, recklessness, and absence of goodwill.

     If the Endgame of Pearl Harbor is the world we presently live in, it pales in comparison to the monstrous ramifications in history just ahead, if Netanyahu, the Lobby, and their allies in the governments of America and Europe get their way, with what they desire to do both to Iran, and to American dissidents like me who use our meager resources and lack of power to speak the truth to demonically exercised powers and principalities.

     The ultimate truths are these.  As General Robert E. Lee put it in the 19th Century, “The consolidation of the States into one vast Empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor to ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.” 

     The aggressors against Iran are the same despots who have destroyed the economy, the culture, and the Constitutional Bill of Rights of my own country, especially since the advent of Franklin Roosevelt and World War II. Just as they have destroyed any vestige of the older Christian cultural and moral climate of my homeland, polluting the land with the the Sexual and Drug Revolutions of the 1960s and the ideology of Sigmund Freud and the Frankfurt School, they have destroyed the American currency and banking system since 1913 with the Federal Reserve Board’s fiat money, usury, and the drive to Globalization, War, and Rumor of War.  The American Domestic Police State since 2001 has had the full involvement and support of the Israeli telecommunications industry and Israeli security companies who are assisting the government of the United States in the implementation of the USA Patriot Acts, the Military Commissions Act of 2006, the various versions of the National Defense Authorizations Act (NDAA), and the wholesale warrantless electronic surveillance of the National Security Agency (NSA).  Surely the Beast (Revelation 13) is soon to be fully unveiled, desirous of devouring all those who will not take his name, or his mark on the forehead or the right hand. . . .

The Frankfurt School's Institute for Social Research:  Jewish financed subversion and destruction of Western Civilization and Christianity via Sexual Perversion, Abortion, the Destruction of the Family, and the Deification of the State.

The Frankfurt School’s Institute for Social Research: Jewish financed subversion and destruction of Western Civilization and Christianity via Sexual Perversion, Abortion, the Destruction of the Family, and the Deification of the State.

     And as they target Iran with economic sanctions; MEK-linked terror attacks; societal subversion with Western (Jewish) supported pornography, abortion, and every brand of sexual perversion; and a technologically empowered Mass Media Demonization, so the European and American dissidents who refuse to countenance the physical, economic, and moral assault on Iran can, are, and will be increasingly targeted. 

     As it was provably the Jewish Lobby and the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith (ADL) who stirred Franklin Roosevelt’s Justice Department to begin politically motivated and un-Constitutional persecution of American dissidents from Roosevelt’s World War II policies, culminating in the famous Great Sedition Trial of 1944, so it is that the ADL is now working hand-in-glove with American intelligence and police agencies to create secret dossiers and profiles of their opponents, for most obvious purposes. It has already started for many of our speakers here today from the States or Europe.  In my case,  I was targeted for anonymous Internet vilification from obviously Jewish sites that were later provably traced to the offices of Rabbi Aryeh Tuchman, Director of the Library and Research Center and the Assistant Director of the Civil Rights Division of the New York headquarters of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith (ADL).   My open public letter to him is available on the Internet.  You can judge the meaning and intent of his activities directed at me, and others gathered here, for yourself.

     Add to this the revelations in 2008 and 2009 about the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) report for Missouri State Law Enforcement prepared for Federal and State Law Enforcement in conjunction with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai Brith and the American Federal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Kurt Nimmo’s essay on March 11, 2009 for Infowars is but one of the places where you will find the information on what this MIAC report is, and what it means.

3 American Patriots that Abe Foxman Detests:  Michael Collins Piper, Mark Dankof, and Mark Glenn in Washington, D. C.

3 American Patriots that Abe Foxman Detests: Michael Collins Piper, Mark Dankof, and Mark Glenn in Washington, D. C.

     In a nutshell, the MIAC report expose tells us that the Zionist-driven police state in America has targeted three (3) groups for profiling and targeting with harassment and worse.  These three (3) groups, according to the MIAC report, constitute the recruitment base for “domestic terrorismin America.  It is important that we understand, in truth, that anyone who opposes use of the money and Armed Forces of America for Israel’s purposes in the Middle East, Iran, and Palestine, is automatically to be libeled and Demonized as a “terrorist,” “subversive,” “racist,” “extremist,” or “violence-prone  criminal.”  The first group targeted will not surprise you. It is Islamic people living in the continental United States.  The second targeted should not be a real surprise either.  It is the Antiwar Movement in America.  But the third group is most revealing: according to the MIAC report prepared in conjunction with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai Brith, anti-Zionist Libertarians and Constitutionalists identified with political candidates like Congressman Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party [the party I represented in the United States Senate race in Delaware in 2000], and Pat Buchanan, are to be profiled and watched as a potential future danger to the “national security of the United States.”

Pat Buchanan and Mark Dankof in San Antonio, Texas.  1995.

Pat Buchanan and Mark Dankof in San Antonio, Texas. 1995.

     Translation: In the Zionist inspired lexicon of the American Domestic Police State that has emerged since September 11th, 2001, anyone who believes that the President of the United States has no moral or Constitutional authority to order the targeted killings of Americans without trial and legal representation is a “terrorist.”  Anyone who believes that the President and the Federal Government of the United States cannot Constitutionally detain anyone indefinitely without specific charges, legal representation, and conviction in a civilian American court of law, is a “terrorist.” Anyone who believes that the Armed Forces of the United States can only be Constitutionally committed to a foreign war by the specific Declaration of War issued by the House and Senate of the United States (Article 1, Section 8 of the American Constitution) is a “terrorist.”  Anyone who believes that the Government of the United States has no right to order the targeted physical and electronic surveillance of any Citizen of the United States without the demonstration of Probable Cause and a Court Ordered Warrant (the 4th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States) is a “terrorist.”

     And finally, anyone who believes the Zionist State of Israel was founded in terrorism and the ethnic cleansing and defrauding of Palestinians is a “terrorist,”  along with anyone who believes that Palestinians, Iranians, and other indigenous peoples of the Middle East and Central Asia have what the Founding Fathers of America would have termed “inalienable rights,” not to be taken from them because the Talmudic Racial Supremacist Doctrine of modern Zionism defines them as subhuman and inferior to “God’s Chosen People.”

     You now get the idea.  The Iranians gathered here today are my brothers and sisters, my friends and allies, in the mutual fight against the tyranny, horror and oppression of The New World Order.

     And in closing, with God’s help, we shall win, for our families, our friends, our communities, our churches and mosques, our respective cultures and histories.  At the end of history, Christian and Islamic eschatology agree: The godly shall win, and evil shall be comprehensive defeated and destroyed at a divinely appointed hour.  Be sure of this.

     And as I think, wistfully, of my beloved America of bygone days, I am reminded of several writings from your own history which explain to me as a foreigner, the powerful and mysterious allure of your marvelous land, and why I shall always love Iran and the Iranian people.

     One takes me back to my days fishing in Lar Valley in the sunlight of my youth of decades ago, and watching the stunning Persian Night Skies with my late father after the setting of the sun in the West.  At night, I would listen endlessly to the rushing sound of the river that runs through the Valley like the River of Life that has neither a beginning nor an end.

A River Runs Through Iran's Lar Valley.

A River Runs Through Iran’s Lar Valley.

     The words of Hafez in the 14th century come to the forefront of my consciousness at this moment now in Tehran in time and space in history, as they did one night by a campfire in Lar Valley so long ago, when I read the following for the very first time:

Lie down beside the flowing stream

And see Life passing by and know 

That of the World’s transient nature

This One Sign is enough for us.”

     A second thought in my journey into the distant past now makes its entrance into the forefront of consciousness at this moment in Tehran I presently share with all of you in time and space at this point in linear history.  We retreat from Hafez in the 14th century to the Persian poet, Ferdowsi in the 10th century, and the inscription on his tomb near Tus:

“Let not this body live, if there is no Iran.”

     One last time here today, I offer my profound and humble thanks to the 2nd International Conference of Independent Thinkers (New Horizon), the Iranian Ministry of Culture, and the Habilian Association of Iran for this blessed invitation to be with each of you, and to share our hearts and innermost thoughts and dreams with each other while that is yet possible.

     And may God bless all of you, on this special day we shall never lose or forget, either in time, or in the eternity we possess that is yet to be. We are reminded, as I was reminded in an experience last December on a United Arab Emirates flight from Dubai to Houston that I later reflected upon in an essay, that the evidence of God’s existence and His faithful fulfillment of His promises in the past, is a down payment on promises and blessings yet future.  You and I have a future.  It is bathed in brilliant and overwhelming Light.  Our mutual struggle for freedom and liberation from the demonic forces of darkness presently on the ascendancy, will be a successful one.  We can and must and shall persevere and endure to the end of the race, and the end of linear time.

     The final victory is ours.  Be sure of this. You and I are on the winning team.  And each one of us has a unique contribution to make, as the God of history empowers us and emboldens us to speak the truth in love, with the Blessed Endgame now in sight, and within our grasp.

     I bid each and everyone of you a heartfelt “Good Day.”

Mark Dankof at KABB-FOX 29 in San Antonio for an appearance on Press TV/Iran's "The Debate."

Mark Dankof at KABB-FOX 29 in San Antonio for an appearance on Press TV/Iran’s “The Debate.”