Mark Dankof's Catacomb

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Mark Dankof: The Dugina Assassination and the Zio-Anglo-American Empire’s Descent Into Hell

Hours Before the Assassination of Darya Dugina (right). Alexander Dugin, Russian Philosopher and Eurasian Ideologist (left). Vkontakte, Sputnik, RT photo.

Dad, I feel like a warrior, I feel like a hero, I want to be like this, I don’t want any other destiny, I want to be with my people, with my country, I want to be on the side of the forces of light, this is the most important thing.

Darya Dugin in her last conversation with her father at the Tradition Festival in Moscow, just before her death.

There are two main Civilizational rivals in this world: the land-based Eurasian countries (historically within the “great space” of the Russian Empire and former Soviet Union) and sea-based America (the undisputed champion of liberal Anglo-Saxon civilization); while the former represents everything which is Traditional and yet also Progressive, pre-modern and futurist, multipolar and just – the latter represents everything which is anti-Traditional, modern, Liberal, Capitalist, unipolar, exploitative, backward and decadent.

The entire historical record can be summed up as a giant geopolitical struggle and all major wars of international scope have always and forever been waged over conflicting geopolitical-cultural values – which is to say between telluric (land-based) powers and thalassocratic (sea-based) powers – and not over race, religion or creed, all of which have only served as “covers” or false fronts for the actual geopolitical/cultural goals of the combatants in order to effectively rouse the emotions of the docile masses and thus mobilize them for war.


The Jews who started this war—Nuland, Blinken, Zelensky, Kholomoisky—killed Dugina no matter who pulled the trigger.

Dr. E Michael Jones in “Who Killed Daria Dugina?” for the Unz Review.

Mark Dankof in reading and research in San Antonio 3 days after the Dugina Assassination in Moscow.

The desperation of the Zio-Anglo-American New World Order has skyrocketed in the wake of the most recent military, economic, and political events unfolding in the Russian-Ukrainian War.

Despite the best attempts of Western Mainstream Media to suggest otherwise, this war is going exactly according to the Putin-Shoigu plan and has been since the February 24th invasion. On the military front, the Russian victories at Popasnaya and Mariupol have led to fall of the Lisichansk-Severodonetsk salient. The Allied Forces of Russia, the DPR and LPR militias, the Wagner Group, and Ramzan Kadyrov’s Chechens, continue to chip away at Ukranian positions in Donetsk City and Soledar-Bakhmut. When this latter salient falls, the Slaviansk-Kramatorsk salient will follow, even as the Russians begin a move in Kharkiv and advance in the south to within 15-20 kilometers of Nykolaiv from their vantage point in Kherson. The fall of Odessa to the Russians will be assured after Nykolaiv is taken, giving Moscow strategic control over the entire Black Sea coast. The Jewish Drag Queen Comedian in Kiev will then be given an ultimatum to settle. If that ultimatum is rejected, Zelensky, Biden, Stoltenberg, Blinken, Nuland, Sherman, Obama, Clinton, Soros and his Open Society Foundation, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, the Atlantic Council, the EU heads of state, and American Mainstream Media and Social Media Conglomerates will awaken one morning or night to a Russian occupation of all of Ukraine including Kiev and Lviv. The LGBTQ flag will have to be lowered, as it was in Kabul when the Afghan National Army and their Zio-Con backers had to get out of Dodge. South Front, Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou of The Duran, and the Military Summary Channel on Telegram will continue to convey the incessant, grinding character of the Russian military advance, which will reach a point where the undeniable will have arrived at the doorstep of those who began this war and whose chosen media acolytes and sycophants have been promoting the Victoria Nuland-Robert Kagan Institute for the Study of War script since the illegal Western coup d’etat in Kiev in February of 2014.

The political and economic fronts are no better for the Zio-Anglo-American New World Order than the military one. Tens of billions of dollars in military aid to Kiev are having no ultimate impact on the inevitable outcome of the war. CBS News was forced to retract a credible report that only 30% of such aid is actually reaching the front lines. Amnesty International tellingly apologized for its own credible report on Ukrainian war crimes in the Donbass, even as it stood by the accuracy of what it said in classic Orwellian Doublespeak. The economic war of attrition against Putin has clearly backfired for both the United States and the EU, as the advocates of this moronic, suicidal methodology have clearly advanced the obvious development of the Eurasian strategy of an increasingly prophetic Alexander Dugin, a strategy which has resulted in a reestablishment of the Russian-Chinese economic, political, and military alliance to the distress of Henry Kissinger in his final days. Add Iran as the focal point and asset of this Eurasian juggernaut in the Middle East, and only a fool would fail to see that the American Century is long past with postmortems soon to be the subject of historical and political analysis. My interview with the Tehran Times on Biden’s recent Tragi-Comedic trip to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Riyadh will be only a small portion of the millions of pages soon to be penned.

The list of such fools is seemingly endless. The first political fatalities are Draghi in Italy and Boris Johnson in Britain. Scholz, Macron, and Biden will fall as inexorably as Odessa and Kharkiv. Scholz and his GloboHomo Green Party have bet their political survivability in Germany on the forcible deindustrialization of Germany and ongoing subservience to NATO and the post-World War II economic and political order run by the United States. Mike Whitney demonstrates the myopia of this strategy for the Unz Review and Lew Rockwell in “The Crisis in Ukraine is Not About Ukraine: It’s About Germany.” As average Germans experience a chilly winter awakening to what their simian leadership has done to them, the ramifications for the future of Germany and its relationship to the post-war Western order may transcend any questions about Scholz. What happens if a German Nationalist movement emerges that dumps NATO and American governance for the Eurasian Continental Express? One can bet that Ursula von der Leyen would join Scholz in the ranks of the permanently disemployed, among others. Watch and wait.

It is only a question of time. Ramon Marks’ essay for The National Interest entitled, “No Matter Who Wins Ukraine, America Has Already Lost” is to the point with only one exception. Marks hedges his bets on what the military outcome of the war will be, for whatever reason. Make no mistake about it, a Russian victory is on the distinctly visible horizon.

Mark Dankof photography at sunset looking south before the arrival of a major storm in San Antonio on August 23, 2022.

In contemporary Geo-Political developments, the two most critical in recent times are the apparent developing reapproachment of Assad and Erdogan over Syria which would finish the Zio-Con/Jihadic intervention in that country, and the Chinese President’s visit to Riyadh. If Saudi Arabia joins BRICS as it reportedly is interested in, the American Petrodollar as the global reserve currency is toast. If that happens, kiss the Zio-Anglo-American-New World Order goodbye. I say “Good Riddance.” May the Old American Republic arise from the dead. Perhaps the most incredible gift of the life and death of Darya Dugina will prove to be a renaissance of the Constitution of the United States within American borders along with a return to Old American Right respect for the rights of citizens elsewhere. George Washington defeats Zelensky. I like that futuristic headline.

San Antonio’s Sts. Joachim and Anna Russian Orthodox Church. Mark Dankof photograph.

My remarks to the Tasnim News Agency and the Fars News Agency about the pivotal Zionist role in the Trump-Pompeo criminal assassination of General Soleimani of Iran in early 2020 seem now like ancient history albeit painfully relevant ongoingly. The current level of desperation and criminality for the Zio-Anglo-American-New World Order has now culminated horrific assassination of Darya Dugina witnessed by her own father, Alexander Dugin, after the Tradition Cultural Festival.

Natalia Vovk: Was she the assassin of Darya as alleged by the Moscow FSB? E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars observes that The Jews who started this war—Nuland, Blinken, Zelensky, Kholomoisky—killed Dugina no matter who pulled the trigger.

In regard to this heinous crime, the following can be observed: First, the controlled media of the Zio-Anglo-American-New World Order has reached new lows in its palpable lies about the killing and the credibility of the Russian FSB in regard to who is to blame. On August 21st, the UK Guardian declared that “Russian hawks without evidence blame Kyiv for death of Darya Dugina and demand Kremlin response.” Without evidence? Evaluate what we are told by South Front about the evidence. One thing is absolutely clear: None of the Western governments who claim to be governed by the international rules of law will abide by an extradition of Natalia Vovk to face trial in Moscow.

Second, Putin and Shoigu will not be goaded by Zelensky and his Criminal Cabal in Kiev, Washington, Tel Aviv, London, Berlin, and Brussels in regard to their tactics in the Special Military Operation launched on February 24th according to Lyuba Lulko of Pravda on August 23rd in “Putin will not strike Kyiv. He will strangle Ukraine slowly instead.”

Why? The Russia President and his General Staff know that they are currently winning the conflict at every level. Zelensky’s desperation in bombing the Zaporhizhia Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) and the murder of Dugina in Moscow will fail to provoke Putin and Shoigu into actions which would provide NATO and Biden a convenient but transparent excuse to intervene militarily in Ukraine and in Western Poland. This latter lunacy is Zelensky’s last card to play. He may not even have that card left if former Ukranian MP Ilya Kiva is correct. Pravda on August 25th reports Kiva as saying that Zelensky’s “toxicity” has escalated to a point where the West is in the process of dumping the latter for an alternative. Kiva names names. Watch and wait.

Third, a generally uninformed public in Western Europe and the United States will now have the opportunity to evaluate the ideas and persona of Alexander Dugin for themselves, as the murder of Darya on August 20th brings her father and his writings into wider public circulation. Military and economic blowback for the West are now joined by political blowback and the issue of freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas in the public marketplace of the Arena of Ideas.

I have been pursuing the distribution of the Arena of Ideas in Alt-Media since September of 2001 as a broadcaster, foreign TV guest, and print journalist. On August 24th on the Republic Broadcasting Network as a guest, I promised their listeners a copy of this brief dissertation, chiefly to have immediate access to what may be read about Mr. Dugin in the English language through a simple Internet search and a subsequent personal resolution to read the man’s writing for itself and to evaluate him and his ideological perspective on its own merits. That is what the “Free World” is supposedly and allegedly all about. If one has jettisoned the Mythologies of the American Empire, it is concluded that this is not what the Zio-Anglo-American-New World Order is about whatsoever. The immortal words of the late Frederick Tobin continue to reverberate in the wake of August 20th: “In the Western World, we have the freedom to go shopping.”

These are but the beginning of a long journey for anyone interested in learning more. Begin with the Alexander Dugin biographical overview at RT. Continue with Mr. Dugin’s listings for Charles Bausman’s Russia Insider. Compare and contrast the perspective of The Occidental Observer in “Dugin Viewed from the Right” with Chace A. Nelson’s “Putin’s Playbook: #Reviewing Dugin’s Foundations of Geopolitics for The Strategy Bridge. Follow Geopolitika in English, especially in reading THE IDEOLOGICAL PLATFORM OF THE EURASIAN MOVEMENT. And follow the dictums of Francis Bacon and Erasmus: “Read not to believe and take for granted, nor to contradict and confute, but to weigh and consider” and “To The Sources!

You can’t do that at CNN. . . .

The suffering of the Son of God on the Cross for his People. Orthodox, Roman, Lutheran, and Reformed Christians alike are the New Testament Israel of God. Jesus Christ Descended Into Hell.

Mark Dankof on Standing Room Only: The Biden Comedy Act Wows the World in the Middle East

Mark Dankof’s recent conversation with the Tehran Times is also available at Don Wassall’s American Freedom News.

Tehran Times: How do you evaluate Biden’s trip to the Middle East? Could he gain achievements? 

Mark Dankof: Biden’s trip to the Middle East, like his entire Presidency, is an unmitigated disaster. His sycophantic performance with the Israelis underscores not only that his Administration will support the Zionist enterprise under any and all circumstances, but clearly paves the way for an illegitimate and catastrophic American Zio-War with Iran, at the same time Putin is winning the war in Ukraine on the battlefield and in the economic war of attrition launched by the United States and the EU against Russia. If you add Mr. Biden’s bungling of American policy toward China over Taiwan, one can see the potential for an eclipse of both the United States and the West in what should have been an entirely preventable World War III.

Biden’s outlandish statements on the JCPOA treaty with Iran while in Israel might as well have been prepared for him by Netanyahu and John Bolton. His statements in the 2020 American Presidential Election that he would revive American participation in JCPOA have proven to be a complete falsehood. His Zio-Team of Blinken, Nuland, and Sherman has clearly attached so many illegitimate conditions to the revival of JCPOA as originally agreed upon as to make American-Iranian rapprochement impossible. The bellicosity of the President’s rhetoric aimed at Iran was as ominous as it was irresponsible. I agree with Alexander Mercouris of The Duran that Biden’s statements in Israel on this subject pave the way for war.

Biden’s performance in Saudi Arabia was equally rank in its sheer public stench. His sermonizing on the Khashoggi murder with Saudi leadership invited legitimate rebuttal from MBS on questions of American crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo, and the silence of Biden in Israel on the murder of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. The President achieved nothing in terms of substantive changes in Saudi oil production or Saudi oil purchases from Putin that would support Biden’s simian war of economic attrition against commodity-rich Russia. Last but not least, Russian oil sales in the Middle East have increased to their highest level in 6 years, even as sales to Europe have declined by 30%.

Most telltale was what happened at the end of the Presidential trip to Saudi and the Gulf region. In meeting with the leaders of nine countries at the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) +3 Summit in Saudi Arabia before heading back to Washington, one notes that not a single one of these countries supports American-EU sanctions on Russia over Ukraine. Even worse, Saudi Arabia has indicated its desire to consider membership in BRICS! This clearly indicates that the American Petrodollar as Reserve Currency agreement reached by Nixon and Kissinger with the Saudis in 1971 could collapse. If it does, the American Empire and Biden can be mercifully buried together in the desert sand.

Tehran Times: Biden said in Saudi Arabia that America would not “walk away and leave a vacuum to be filled by China, Russia or Iran,” while his predecessor Trump was planning to withdraw U.S. forces from the Middle East. What is your take?

Mark Dankof: The vacuum exists in Biden’s cerebral region, and that of European leaders who followed American “leadership” into the morass of supporting the illegal coup d’etat in Kiev, NATO expansions since 1997, and Zelensky’s puppet regime. This, and American policies in the Middle East which have taken the lives of at least one million people and have displaced another 38 million in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya with trillions spent in borrowed and fiat money, illustrates the catastrophe the United States has made in the Middle East.

Trump had figured out years ago that all of this is simply unsustainable. But then he proceeded to surround himself with Neo-Con advisers like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo who undermined Trump’s credibility on an America-First campaign platform that would have gotten the United States out of these Zio-Globalist wars, and rebuilt American domestic infrastructure and previously unmatched manufacturing and industrial capabilities at home if honestly adhered to.

But Biden seems not to notice America’s $32 trillion national debt, even as he has spearheaded the movement for the $73 billion already spent for Zelensky, on top of the $5 billion the United States spent on the illegal 2014 coup d’etat in Kiev. Now he and the Democratic controlled Congress are proposing a $650 billion IMF draw-down account clearly designed to prolong the life of Zelensky before the latter’s inevitable collapse finally comes. When you add a Russian-Iranian-Chinese alliance coalescing in self-defense against this Zio-Globalist roadmap for the future, one can see how unsustainable the American Empire really is and a European Union designed to collapse with it. Biden and these other EU leaders will follow Boris Johnson into political oblivion. At the same time, their respective domestic populations’ futures are in similar doubt. The damage may well be irrevocable.

Tehran Times: Biden had said before that Saudi Arabia is a pariah country. So what happened or what has changed now?

Mark Dankof: Those statements were obvious political rhetoric from a politician clearly financed and controlled by the Zionist cabal, Wall Street, and the military-industrial complex.

Among many other things, the President and MBS both stayed very silent in this latest meeting in Saudi Arabia about their mutual partnership in genocidal mass murder in Yemen. This underscores how much principle the 46th President of the United States actually has. He has absolutely none. Hunter Biden simply follows in Dear Old Dad’s footsteps, along with the Deep State which suppressed the New York Post exposé on Hunter Biden’s laptop just weeks before the 2020 American Presidential Election.

The bottom line for your readers is this: The American Empire has 5th Stage terminal cancer. This is clearly the good news. The bad news is that its political elite is panicking, and may well do something in absolute panic that could end the lives of millions of additional people, and perhaps Earth’s very existence. This is not an idle state on my part. Former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii warns us that Biden is leading all of us toward a global nuclear conflict. I agree with her. It is that grim.

Tehran Times: What is the political fallout of Biden meeting with Bin Salman? Do you think the U.S. president has legitimized MBS by visiting Riyadh?

Mark Dankof: These leaders and the political corruption in both Washington and Riyadh over decades has been deemed illegitimate by thinking people for a long time. I don’t think the Biden visit achieved anything other than increasing international and domestic perceptions of the illegitimate character of his own Presidency and of MBS. But in the case of the latter, he is at least smart enough to see that continuing to bet on an alliance with the American horse saddled with Joe Biden as the jockey, is possibly fatal for his own longevity, which has him now hedging his bets. Who among us would bet on Biden against Putin and Russia? Not me for sure.

Tehran Times: Do you think Biden is able to convince Arab leaders to increase oil production in or to curb oil prices? Could you update us about the fallouts of Ukraine war and ramping up of oil prices inside the U.S.?

Mark Dankof: Biden produced nothing of substance for the United States and the West in changing Arab oil policies. These Arab leaders clearly see that Putin and Russia are winning in Ukraine militarily, and in the economic war of attrition foolishly launched by the United States and the West against them.

My scenario is as follows: Russia will secure the Donbass completely after the Slaviansk-Kramatorsk salient is secured. I believe this will likely conclude by the end of September.

Putin will make a final offer for peace with Zelensky and his Zio-Globalist handlers in the United States and in Europe. I believe the latter will be foolish enough not to settle, but to escalate. I hope I am wrong.

Russia will then take Odessa, Kherson Region, Kharkiv, Kiev, Lviv in a much faster tempo than was the case in their expertly-executed Carl von Clausewitz strategy for pounding the best of the Ukrainian army in the urban areas of the Donbass.

Then a senile President of the United States and his lapdogs in European capitals will have to make a choice: War with Putin, Iran, and China, or finally retreat from a Zio-Globalist strategy designed to produce “Hell on Earth” as President Vucic of Serbia and Dmitry Medvedev warn of?

Time tells. We may be at history’s endgame.

Best to all of my wonderful friends over many years in Tehran.

Sputnik Speaks to Mark Dankof: Too Little, Too Late? Governor Abbott, the Texas-Mexico Border, and the Invasion of America

Don Wassall’s American Freedom News and the Republic Broadcasting Network have both published the full text of Mark Dankof’s remarks to Sputnik News of Russia on Governor Greg Abbott of Texas and the border crisis.

Sputnik: Gov. Greg Abbott has issued an executive order authorizing his state’s National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety to arrest immigrants who illegally cross the border between ports of entry and return them to Mexico, according to the New York Post.

Sputnik: What do you make of Gov. Abbott’s decision?

Mark Dankof: “I agree with Abbott’s decision to attempt to stem the tide of some 250,000 illegals crossing Mexico into the United States monthly. The problem is that for both the United States and the Republican Party, it is too little, too late, somewhat like closing the barn door after the horses are already loose and a mile down the road. This destructive farce began in 1986 when Ronald Reagan signed the ‘Immigration Reform and Control Act.’ At the time, Reagan sold it to the public as a one-time amnesty for some 3 million illegals in the United States prior to 1982. What went unnoticed by much of the public and Reagan’s grassroots GOP supporters, is that the strict sanctions on employers who hired illegals were stripped from the bill to insure its passage. That fact, and ‘border security’ fraud, guaranteed a situation where now the illegal immigration population in the United States is thought to run close to 20 million people. The Establishment Right in the United States has always secretly supported this policy because of the availability of cheap labor created from this population for Corporate America. The American Left supports non-action on illegals because it wants to demographically flip key battleground states in elections where this influx of illegals at the polls would guarantee future monolithic control of the American political process by the Democratic Party.

There is another issue: The 1965 ‘Immigration and Nationality Act’ passed by a Democratic Congress and signed by Lyndon Johnson. It deliberately undermined a solid American policy of facilitating immigration primarily from Western and Northern Europeans, and moved in the direction of a policy designed to create a demographic revolution over decades designed to promote multiculturalism and globalism. In this regard, Jewish groups and organizations played a disproportionate role in making this happen, as they have with what has been a sea change in American cultural and moral attitudes in the last half a century on Gay Rights, feminism, abortion, and the like. It is noteworthy that Biden has stated this publicly and with an absolute approval. Republicans who decry these radical political, demographic, and cultural changes in my lifetime never mention the Jewish angle in all of this, given the strong representation of an ideological Christian Zionism in the GOP which has merged with its support for the policies of multinational American capitalism rooted in globalist ideology. Take a look at the Texas State Republican Party platform over many years, which is absolutely wedded to the Zionist State and embracing things like the Texas-Israel Chamber of Commerce. It will tell you why Greg Abbott will never breathe a word of this in public.”

Sputnik: Is it too tough or too soft from your perspective?

Mark Dankof: “As I indicated earlier, it is too little, too late. The apprehension of illegals in Texas and the recycling of them to Mexico will make only a dent in the situation, as long as the Biden Administration refuses to enforce Trump’s Title 42 policy and the American Federal Government is more committed to supplying Zelensky and Ukraine some $65 billion in American taxpayer funds for a war the United States does not belong in, than in securing the American border with Mexico and insuring a vetted and sane immigration process. There is presently no immigration policy consistent with a sovereign nation-state, since some 2 million illegals have entered the United States just since Biden became President. Pat Buchanan and others now tell us that over 250,000 illegals are entering the United States each month via that border. This is apparently fine with people like Joe Biden, George Soros, and Biden’s largely globalist policy advisers who embrace massive illegal immigration, fiat money, a $32 trillion dollar national debt, LGBTQ cultural coercion, and an immoral and idiotic American and EU involvement in the February 2014 coup d’etat in Kiev along with the ongoing NATO expansions since 1997.”

Sputnik: Why didn’t Abbott declare an invasion to take more proactive action? Will the governor go for it, to have the full authority to defend the state?

Mark Dankof: “The record of the Republican Party since Reagan’s 1986 farce suggests that he won’t. On the other hand, the New York Post article you cite underscores that Abbott’s poll numbers have suffered since Uvalde and the Roe v Wade reversal of the SCOTUS.

“My advice to the Governor is to declare an invasion, and to tie this decision to the shipwrecking of the American economy courtesy of the $5.9 trillion increase in fiat money circulation in the last two years, a 38% increase; the COVID-19 shutdown of American oil refineries; and the lunacy of the Biden-led economic war of attrition with Putin which has seen the United States and the West getting their hind ends deservedly kicked.

“The problem with raising this last legitimate point with Texas voters is that both GOP U. S. Senators from Texas support handing Zelensky the billions and zillions of dollars. That underscores the problem with GOP credibility at a macrocosmic level. The RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) in the Bush-McCain Empire wing of the GOP still have tremendous control over the Party and its actual policies, all rhetoric aside cynically used with average voters in each election cycle to assure the ‘conservative‘ and ‘America First‘ policies of the Elephants.

“The Pat Buchanan-Ron Paul wing of the Party articulates all of what I believe to be comprehensively correct policies on immigration and virtually everything else, but its policy making influence and power at the ballot box and in Congressional seats has obviously been limited up to now. The American economic crisis may tip the balance in the latter’s favor, but only time tells.

“There is one ominous sign emanating from the Biden Administration as it evaluates the potential fury of Americans in all of this: The President has directed his Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and his Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to buy up gun ammunition legally available in the domestic retail outlets. One may legitimately ask why.”

Sputnik: Why do border states find themselves in the situation where they must take action tackling the problem at the state level, rather than relying on the federal government? What does this tell us about the Biden administration’s ability to simply govern and react?

Mark Dankof: “Federal governments have been actively destroying the stability and tranquility of the domestic American scene since 1965 via both illegal immigration and excessive legal immigration not given proper time to assimilate into the economic and political life of the country. The Democratic Party has been in the vanguard of this nefarious development. But the Republican Party has provided no effective counter to this disastrous direction.

“Temperatures are now reaching the boiling point given the economic downturn of the last two years. Time tells, but President Putin has tactfully observed that the West is losing–not simply in its Ukraine policies and in its ill-fated and ill-advised economic war of attrition with Russia, but in domestic developments that seem to have forever changed both America and Western Europe. I agree with this, and suspect that the end of these countries as previously known is virtually and sadly assured.”

Mark Dankof to the NRA and Senator John Cornyn: Supporting Zelensky’s Failing Penis is Failing

June 23, 2022

Windcrest, Texas



United States Senator (R-TX)

517 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Tel: (202) 224-2934

Fax: (202) 228-2856

Senator Cornyn:

As a follow-up to our conversation on the Senate gun legislation, I strongly suggest we pull the plug on Zelensky, the idiotic American involvement in a Russian-Ukrainian military conflict we are largely responsible for igniting, and this moronic economic war of attrition with Putin.

My letter to the NRA’s American Rifleman is posted below FYI:

English-German-Russian-Spanish translation

June 22, 2022

Windcrest, Texas

American Rifleman


Your article in the July 2022 issue entitled “Sniping in Ukraine” has an obvious pro-Zelensky, pro-Ukrainian slant to it. Quoting General David Petraeus is even worse. His most notable military victory was scoring with his Bimbo while handing her classified American military secrets for publication. I join Pat Buchanan, David Stockman, and Philip Giraldi in underscoring that the United States has had absolutely no national security interest at all in intervening in this conflict. Worse yet, this conflict is all about the imposition of World Government on people who rightly reject it.

Finally, if you haven’t noticed, the United States, Zelensky, the EU, and NATO are getting their butts kicked in Ukraine and in this moronic economic war of attrition with Russia the West cannot win, even as this idiocy risks escalation into World War III. And the most impressive thing about the Ukrainian military as of late, aside from its incorporation of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion into its ranks, has been either surrendering or deserting.

My recent discussion with The Tehran Times defends our 2A position, but has links on Ukraine the leadership and staff of the American Rifleman and the NRA should peruse. Finally, as a Patron Member of the NRA and a Life Member of the Texas State Rifle Association, please try to keep Zelensky’s drag queen act out of future publications, even though he admittedly is quite adept at playing the piano with his penis.

Pastor Mark Dankof

NRA Patron/TSRA Life

San Antonio, Texas

BONUS: Mark Dankof for the Fars News Agency of Iran: “Talebzadeh Uncovered Truth About U. S. Policies.”

BONUS: Mark Dankof for Veterans Today: Kissinger, Zelensky, Davos, and the New World Order.

BONUS: Mark Dankof remembers Dr. Harold O. J. Brown on June 24, 2022, the day SCOTUS reversed Roe v Wade.

Mark Dankof speaks to Sputnik News: American Polarization and the Kavanaugh Incident

Sputnik News to Mark Dankof: The House passed a bill 396-27 to increase security for Supreme Court justices’ immediate families on Tuesday, approving a measure that had already been passed by unanimous consent in the Senate. The bill comes after one man was arrested for allegedly plotting to kill Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Sputnik: Is addressing the problem of security for justices and their families amid death threats really what the administration should do in the current situation, since it doesn’t address the issue of polarization in American society?

Mark Dankof: The Supreme Court protection bill is only an essential beginning in a most dangerous situation in a country more polarized than at any time since the American Civil War in the 19th century.

Sputnik: Joe Biden promised to unite the US. Why do we see the continuous growth of social polarization? How far it can go? What can the Biden administration do to ease the tensions and can it address the problem effectively?

Mark Dankof: In my view, Joe Biden and his Administration have done more to polarize Americans than any previous Administration in history. Biden cannot ease tensions and address the problems involved in the domestic American scene any more than he is a credible broker for peace in the Middle East or in Ukraine. He is absolutely owned by the Cultural Marxists; the Israeli Lobby; the American arms manufacturers and military-industrial complex; the globalist crowd at Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube; George Soros and Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum; the American Deep State; and the Russophobes who permeate the Democratic Party and were criminally involved both in the Steele Dossier/Russiagate fraud and the ignition of the illegitimate proxy war against Russia using Zelensky and Ukraine to continue the NATO encirclement of Russia. As for the Cultural Marxist fan base the President enjoys, see the official White House statement issued on June 15th entitled, “President Biden to Sign Historic Executive Order Advancing LGBTQI+Equality During Pride Month.”

In Ukraine, the February 2014 coup d’etat in Kiev courtesy of the Obama-Clinton-Biden-Nuland Cabal, the scandal of Hunter Biden’s Burisma payoff, Joe Biden’s subsequent intimidation of the Ukrainian attorney general investigating this nepotism, and the suppression of the New York Post exposé on Hunter Biden’s laptop and the global activities of the Biden Crew before the 2020 American Presidential Election, underscore that the American Deep State and MSM will protect the 46th President at any cost. They are betting on a losing horse. Panic is starting to set in.

The Biden Base Against Putin in Ukraine: Kiev Pride Meets the Azov Battalion

In regard to the Kavanaugh situation itself, I would ask Sputnik readers to consider three (3) articles from Don Wassall’s American Freedom News. These are entitled, “Was the Kavanaugh Assassination Plot a Democrat Inside Job?“; “When Democrats Choose Name Calling Over Debate, Violence is Inevitable” by J. B. Shurk; and the publication by American Freedom News today of Steve Watson’s “Communism Watch: Kavanaugh’s Neighbor Claims Pro-Abortion Protestors are Threatening Homeowners.”

These articles all underscore the complete breakdown in American society in terms of trust, decency, respect for human life and property, and commitment to civil discourse. I believe the beginning of all of this began in earnest with the sexual and drug revolutions of the 1960s, and the accompanying progressive jettisoning of any semblance of the older Christian culture which had undergirded previous generations of Americans up until that time. Joe Biden himself is now the 2022 Poster Boy for the Stonewall Inn Revolt and Gloria Steinem’s War on the Unborn. He is an anti-Christian bigot, operative and profiteer, decked out in Drag as a believing Roman Catholic.

Mark Dankof’s New Neighborhood Flag for Pride Week and Pride Month in San Antonio.

The result of this debacle over decades is a degenerate culture which has increasingly embraced the LGBTQ agenda and the abortion-on-demand lobby, right down to the Drag Queens in elementary schools and child dismemberment through the 9th month of pregnancy. Joe Biden and his Democratic Party absolutely embrace these practices and their advocates, just as they embraced massive Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence and anarchy in the streets of American cities in the wake of the George Floyd incident in Minneapolis. He and they at a bare minimum deliberately facilitated the climate to inspire a lone nut to attempt to kill Judge Cavanaugh. Or was there a conspiracy involved and a Manchurian Candidate recruited? Readers can weigh and consider after reading the pieces I site from American Freedom News.

The good news however, is this. Our senile and crooked Commander in Chief and his lapdog counterparts in the European Union are collectively losing their grip on power. Putin will prevail in the Donbass militarily as he is in the economic war of attrition launched against Russia by New World Order elites who have no understanding up to now of the issue of Russian Commodities and alternative trading partners and customers in the Indian Subcontinent and Asia. Accordingly these elites have no grasp of the development of an alternative banking system and competing alternative to SWIFT for international financial transactions.

June 26th, 2015: Dankof v Biden on SCOTUS and Obergefell in a Jewish Media Bash.

Putin will also prevail in the protection of Russian Orthodox national culture from Pussy Riot, George Soros, the Jewish Drag Queen comedian masquerading as the legitimate President of Ukraine, and the LGBTQ flag bearer currently serving as the American Ambassador to Russia in Moscow.

His victory will be the victory of American nationalists sick of foreign wars for Israel and fiat money, Cultural Marxism, rigged elections, massive illegal immigration, the exportation of a previously vibrant American manufacturing sector, and the illegal and un-Constitutional character of the attack on the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments among the entirety of the Bill of Rights.

Biden, Clinton, Boris Johnson, George Soros, Zelensky, and Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum members will collectively tank.

The Darling of the Globalist West: His Act is Beginning to Wear Thin Even Among Drag Queens:

Biden and Zelensky’s present forums will evaporate according. They will be reduced to piano duets together in Miami, New York, and Tel Aviv.

And then American nationalists will make their move.

BONUS: The Dankof Report resumes for ACH in London, Rense Radio, and now the Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN).

The Uvalde School Massacre as Diversion: The Tehran Times Speaks to Mark Dankof

The original post of this conversation with the Tehran Times is here.

Tehran Times: What are the implications of the Uvalde School Massacre for America and the world?

Mark Dankof with an AR-15 in Idaho

Mark Dankof: Andrew Anglin of the Unz Review has the correct analysis in my opinion of the implications of this latest tragedy involving a mass shooting in the United States in an article entitled, “Just Answer the Question, Ted: Why Do These Mass Shootings Only Happen in America.”

He reminds us of the following:

  • America is the most “progressive” and “liberal” country in the world
  • America has the world’s highest rate of prescription psychotropic drug use
  • America has the world’s highest rate of untreated mental illness
  • America has the ugliest manmade structures in the world, creating urban environments that are alienating and dehumanizing
  • America is one of the most pornography-riddled countries, and also one of the most sexually active countries
  • America has one of the highest divorce rates in the world
  • America has one of the lowest marriage rates in the world
  • America has the highest rate of children living in single-parent homes
  • America has the least social cohesiveness as a result of being the most diverse country in the world
  • Perhaps most importantly: America has a mass intelligence apparatus with a well-documented history of running utterly amoral psychological operations against their own population

It is Anglin’s last point that is the most critical for our current consideration. I absolutely agree with his analysis that, “Right now, in May of 2022, we have a pretty clear picture of what is happening on the macro scale: we have a group of Jews, pederasts, and transhumanists who are working together to create a unified world government where a tiny elite minority rule over a huddled mass of landless peasants. They have infiltrated the overwhelming majority of governments. This agenda used to exist in semi-secret organizations, being published in dense texts that were not discussed in the mainstream media, but in recent years, it has for the most part come out of the shadows, largely through the World Economic Forum.”

World Government, War, Central Banking, Fiat Money, Surveillance, Shortages

I will elaborate on this overwhelmingly Jewish operation to establish a New World Order based upon the successful achievement of world government via a combination of a brand of multinational corporate capitalism known as fascism, which depends on an elite controlling central banking and commodities of every conceivable description on a global basis. The methodology employed is a combination of economic subversion and sanctions, cultural subversion via Cultural Marxism in matters of radical feminism, the destruction of the traditional family unit, the adoption of LGBTQ ideology, the destruction of the influence of Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and Protestant Reformed teaching historically on these subjects from a Christian perspective, and support for ruthless abortion policies involving the killing of the unborn up to and including the 9th month of pregnancy and the utilization of the heinous procedure known as “Partial Birth Abortion.” This is indeed, the ideology and the game plan of the World Economic Forum and its most public luminaries, including Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, and their allies in Western mainstream media, NGOs, Silicon Valley social media moguls, Hollywood, and an American Deep State represented by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland, Mitt Romney, Beto O’Rourke, and many others.

I document the bigger picture and the players involved in “Mark Dankof’s Open Letter to the Russian People: Growing Older but Wiser in the Mythologies of the American Empire.” My conversation with you folks on March 22nd in the Tehran Times also covers some of this history involving Ukraine and Russia specifically in “Ukraine Crisis is Due to the Fault of the United States Since the End of the Cold War.” It is in Ukraine since February 24th that we see how things are approaching a critical mass in an essay by Thomas Dalton entitled, “The Jewish Hand in World War III.”

This critical mass brings us to Anglin’s most critical point once more: America has a mass intelligence apparatus with a well-documented history of running utterly amoral psychological operations against their own population.

June 1968, The Ambassador Hotel, LA

These operations require the use of diversion when world events and developments begin to move in a direction adverse to the game plan of the architects of the New World Order and the World Economic Forum as the most obvious public face of such an Order. False Flags abroad or domestically and the occasional utilization of an orchestrated event via a Manchurian Candidate are well known methods of these architects.

Arthur Bremer: May 1972, the Wallace Shooting in Laurel

Thus I believe, but admittedly cannot prove, that the Uvalde tragedy is a deliberate attempt to divert American domestic public attention and the focus of the international public from the reality of the inevitable direction of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the completely criminal incompetence of the Biden Administration, the EU, and NATO in failing to achieve the stated goals of the World Economic Forum. In my recent article for the American Freedom News entitled, “Kissinger, Zelensky, Davos, and the New World Order,” I observed that:

Does anyone still believe what these newspapers fed Mark Dankof at Age 8 in the Third Grade?

Alexander Mercouris of The Duran recounts as only he can what is really going on at Davos with Henry Kissinger’s statements on Ukraine and Russia. It is clear that Joe Biden, Zelensky, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, the governments of the UK and the EU, and the Zio-Cons are close to being on the ropes in their panicked attempts to bring Russia into GloboHomo and the New World Order. Kissinger now urges Ukraine to “negotiate” with Russia, especially since “the stability of Europe” is at stake.

Mark Dankof for Don Wassall’s The Freedom Times (now) and the American Freedom News.

In Kissinger-speak, this really means that the survivability of the New World Order and GloboHomo is at stake.

For the record, the time for talking should be over. Putin and Russia should deal the knock-out blow to this Satanic system and all of its advocates in both the United States and the West generally. Kissinger knows that the jig is up if President Putin presses on as he should. A Russian victory would also free up the American, British, and European nationalists to run the table on these career criminals by expunging them from their respective countries governments and media in a backlash of mass rage at a global political elite playing around with the lives of millions of people in their insatiable desire for a supernatural power lust.

With Putin winning the military conflict in Ukraine, the economic war of attrition with the United States and the EU, and demonstrating that Russia can defeat the forces of moral and cultural subversion in an open contest, the New World Order and the World Economic Forum are indeed in a panic. The Ruble and the Russian Central Bank have withstood their machinations. The Russian Orthodox Church and its traditional stances on Christian morality stand proud and tall against Soros and Company. China, Russia, and Iran have solidified economic and military strategies against the enemy. The Biden Administration has brought energy and food prices to new heights in America and a obeisant UK and EU. The Democratic Party is facing disaster in the fall 2022 elections and Biden in 2024. In such a scenario, diversion is an absolute must. We have seen it twice recently: Once in the illegally leaked Supreme Court memo on the abortion-related Roe v Wade case and the prospect of the 1973 decision being overturned.

Here’s a Houston Convention Biden and the World Economic Forum Love: The National Education Association introduces children to LGBTQ Perversion.

And now we have the second diversion in the Uvalde mass shooting in Texas, just before the NRA National Convention in Houston, just before Memorial Day weekend in the United States, and in a political climate where the Biden Administration and the World Economic Forum may face catastrophic setbacks, even as the Russiagate Fraud and the Steele Dossier Fraud continue to unravel, threatening the exposure of Hillary Clinton, the DNC, Fusion GPS, and the late John McCain in a narrative that has now brought the United States to the brink of collapse in a possible war with Russia, China, and Iran it cannot possibly win.

The final and most critical point I can make is this: The Biden Administration and the World Economic Forum sense burgeoning outrage over their increasing public exposure and evil agenda. In Europe, the ability of people to resist the hijacking of their countries, their governments, and their livelihoods is open to question. But in the United States, Biden, Soros, Schwab and Company know that the public presently has the ability to fight back in an open revolt. They are trying to remove this capability in any way they can. They will discover they cannot, any more than Vladimir Putin and the Russian people are going to allow a Jewish Drag Queen Comedian in Kiev, or the World Economic Forum elites to destroy their lives and the sovereignty of their Motherland. This is why I firmly support Putin’s decision to invade the Donbass as a legitimate protection of his nation’s national security, even as his victory would give new impetus to American and European nationalist resistance to The Cabal. I stated this clearly in my recent op-ed entitled, “The Chicago Way is the ONLY Way to Defeat the New World Order.”

This critical mass brings us to Anglin’s most critical point one more time: America has a mass intelligence apparatus with a well-documented history of running utterly amoral psychological operations against their own population.

Is Uvalde that operation? Is it another Operation Northwoods? Oklahoma City? 9-11 as I discussed years ago with Kourosh Ziabari? Anglin can’t prove it. Neither can I. But we smell the usual stench coming out from underneath the well-worn carpet.

Tehran Times: Criticism has deepened over the protracted police response, and the failure of officials to adequately explain their actions. What is your comment?

Mark Dankof: It is apparently the case that the Response Commander made a terrible error in judgment and a bad decision based on that misjudgment. He believed that the situation had moved from that of an Active Shooting scenario to that of a Barricaded Suspect. Hence he waited for more backup, believing the shooting phase had concluded. It hadn’t. More children were killed as a result of the failure to storm the gunman and to perforate him with massive police gunfire. Andrew Anglin raises another disturbing point: There are credible reports that the FBI knew of this gunman, his profile, and the threat posed by this mentally disturbed individual and did not act on the information. I have seen a disturbing but unconfirmed allegation on Vkontakte that the 18 year old suspect had 2 new AR-15 rifles worth almost $5000, plus ammunition, optics with body armor, and a $70,000 Ford F-250 pickup truck while under psychiatric care. Where is the mainstream media in investigating everything about this gunman and asking the most pressing questions? Or is repeating the gun confiscation mantras of the Zio-GloboHomo Left their only mission on television and in print?

Tehran Times: Republicans like Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) blame many societal factors — but not guns — for the wave of mass shootings in the U.S. Are they on the right side?

Mark Dankof: Cruz is absolutely correct on this point. But if I were he, I’d be in hiding. He voted for the $40 billion dollar aid/loan package fraud to Zelensky and Ukraine. Ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson gives us the real story on this nonsense in an article on May 24th entitled, “The Truth About the $40 Billion Ostensibly Being Spent to Arm Ukraine.”

Tehran Times: Despite promises and mottos by Democrats, it seems that there is no real move to control gun bearing in the U.S. What are the main causes of such a failure?

Mark Dankof: The majority of the public does not want the radical gun control and confiscation agenda posed by an increasingly Marxist Democratic Party and the GloboHomo elites of the World Economic Forum. They want common sense policies on involuntary incarceration of known violent psychiatric threats to the community, life imprisonment without parole and capital punishment of those who have taken human life unlawfully, and for a government that gave them 9-11, Bush’s War on Terror, the illegitimate invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, COVID-19 Shutdowns, and the War on Putin to get lost and to get out of their daily lives. I concur.

Tehran Times: How do American people see the decisions and policies followed by the authorities? Do they seem rational to American public?

Mark Dankof: I believe there is more mistrust of American governmental authorities now than at any time in my life and with complete justification. And in regard to our policies toward Iran driven by Israel, our government’s criminal history in Ukraine, and our reckless policies toward Putin’s Russia and China, if the American public finds their leadership to be rational, it will be the absolute sign that I will get out of this insane asylum for another home in the next several years, if God and events allow it.

Find Mark Dankof: Cathedral of the Assumption in Moscow, 1992

Mark Dankof for the American Freedom News on Kissinger, Zelensky, Davos, and the New World Order

Let this criminal live long enough to see the death of the evil System he served throughout his miserable career.

Alexander Mercouris of The Duran recounts as only he can what is really going on at Davos with Henry Kissinger’s statements on Ukraine and Russia. It is clear that Joe Biden, Zelensky, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, the governments of the UK and the EU, and the Zio-Cons are close to being on the ropes in their panicked attempts to bring Russia into GloboHomo and the New World Order. Kissinger now urges Ukraine to “negotiate” with Russia, especially since “the stability of Europe” is at stake.

In Kissinger-speak, this really means that the survivability of the New World Order and GloboHomo is at stake.

For the record, the time for talking should be over. Putin and Russia should deal the knock-out blow to this Satanic system and all of its advocates in both the United States and the West generally. Kissinger knows that the jig is up if President Putin presses on as he should. A Russian victory would also free up the American, British, and European nationalists to run the table on these career criminals by expunging them from their respective countries governments and media in a backlash of mass rage at a global political elite playing around with the lives of millions of people in their insatiable desire for a supernatural power lust.

For the Record: Kissinger’s fellow Tribesman is invited to Davos as a representative of an illegitimate Kiev government installed by coup d’etat in February of 2014. This coup d’etat is a strictly Tribal Affair, as is the New World Order itself.

14,000 ethnic Russians in the Donbass have been killed by that government in 8 years.

NATO continues its encirclement and recruitment policies in contravention of the Bush-Baker promises to Gorbachev when the Berlin Wall came down. As David Stockman points out, this fact, and the February 2014 coup d’etat explain Putin’s actions and demonstrate the absolute recklessness of the American and European political elite.

Zelensky reneged on the Minsk accords and in the terms later reached in Istanbul that would have ended this tragedy well before now.

Zelensky talked openly of installing nuclear weapons in Ukraine. The United States has had 30 bio-weapons laboratories in Ukraine. The United States and NATO continue pouring weaponry and mercenaries into the conflict and are working through Poland and Moldova to provoke incidents in Ukraine that would be used to justify possible NATO intervention on Zelensky’s behalf.

A coup d’etat in Kiev is AOK for American and European “Democracy” but Crimeans cannot be allowed to overwhelmingly vote in a fair referendum to return to Russia and avoid being ruled by a government installed by CIA coup.

The United States-EU-NATO cabal is deliberately using LGBTQ perversion and subversion in Ukraine, George Soros-style, to subvert the Orthodox Church and to divorce the Ukrainian Orthodox from its historic relationship with the Moscow Patriarch and the Russian Orthodox Church. $$$ was paid to Bartholomew II in Istanbul to interfere in Ukraine in what is not his ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Take a look at what James Jatras proves on this via Chronicles Magazine. Or glance at Magic Mike Pompeo’s promotion of Gay Pride on the official American consular site in Kiev.

This is all going on with rising gas and energy prices in the West, a $32 trillion dollar national debt and rising for the United States, and a tanking economy for average Americans and Europeans. There are billions for global arms manufacturers and the American Military Industrial Complex in the latest Zio-Con project, but no infant formula to buy and no money to rebuild the domestic infrastructure of this country. Biden and Soros have opened the American southern border with Mexico to a wholesale foreign invasion. We are on the edge of World War III with this lunacy in Ukraine, Biden’s latest public military threats to the Chinese over Taiwan, and Israel’s continuing threats to attack Iran.

I say the time for talking is over. The Russians need to attack the Command and Control Center in Kiev, finish the job in Donbass, and slap a complete embargo on Europe on all Russian commodities. Strategies with China and Iran should be secretly put together in anticipation of the worst, if they have not been already.

The Israelis should be informed that their support of Zelensky in Ukraine and ISIS-Al-Qaeda in Syria is going to have them paying through the nose as well. Russia will take a major lead in the Information War as it relates to Israeli crimes in Palestine and Gaza. Israel should be informed that an attack on Iran will reduce Israel to radioactive glass.

Remember the “Chicago Way.” It is the only way to deal with NATO, George Soros, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, the LGBTQ movement globally, and the Obama-Clinton-Nuland-Biden Cabal along with the Zio-Cons in the Republican Party who work with them. Zelensky should be run out of Kiev for Tel Aviv or Miami with the comfort of his personal fortune in offshore accounts.

And real Americans, Brits, and Europeans need to be ready in their own respective lands as it becomes apparent that the time for talking is over.

Смерть Новому Мировому порядку. Для протокола:

Соплеменник Киссинджера приглашен в Давос в качестве представителя нелегитимного киевского правительства, установленного в результате государственного переворота в феврале 2014 года.…

14 000 этнических русских на Донбассе были убиты этим правительством за 8 лет.

НАТО продолжает свою политику окружения и вербовки в нарушение обещаний Буша-Бейкера, данных Горбачеву после падения Берлинской стены.

Зеленский отказался от минских соглашений и условий, позже достигнутых в Стамбуле, которые положили бы конец этой трагедии.

Зеленский открыто говорил об установке ядерного оружия на Украине. У Соединенных Штатов было 30 лабораторий по производству биологического оружия в Украине. Соединенные Штаты и НАТО продолжают вливать оружие и наемников в конфликт и работают через Польшу и Молдову, чтобы спровоцировать инциденты в Украине, которые будут использованы для оправдания возможного вмешательства НАТО от имени Зеленского.

Государственный переворот в Киеве – это угроза американской и европейской “демократии”, но нельзя позволить крымчанам подавляющим большинством проголосовать на честном референдуме за возвращение в Россию и избежать правления правительства, созданного путем переворота ЦРУ.

Клика Соединенных Штатов, ЕС и НАТО намеренно использует извращения и подрывную деятельность ЛГБТК в Украине в стиле Джорджа Сороса, чтобы подорвать Православную Церковь и разорвать исторические отношения Украинской Православной Церкви с Московским Патриархом и Русской Православной Церковью. $$$ было выплачено Варфоломею II в Стамбуле за вмешательство в дела Украины в том, что не входит в его церковную юрисдикцию.…

Все это происходит на фоне роста цен на газ и энергоносители на Западе, государственного долга Соединенных Штатов в 32 триллиона долларов и его роста, а также спада экономики для обычных американцев и европейцев. Есть миллиарды для мировых производителей оружия и американского военно-промышленного комплекса в последнем проекте Zio-Con, но нет детского питания, чтобы купить, и нет денег на восстановление внутренней инфраструктуры этой страны. Байден и Сорос открыли южную границу США с Мексикой для массового иностранного вторжения. Мы находимся на грани Третьей мировой войны из-за этого безумия на Украине, последних публичных военных угроз Байдена китайцам из-за Тайваня и продолжающихся угроз Израиля напасть на Иран.

Я говорю, что время для разговоров прошло. Русским нужно атаковать Центр управления и контроля в Киеве, закончить работу в Донбассе и ввести полное эмбарго в отношении Европы на все российские товары. Стратегии с Китаем и Ираном должны быть тайно разработаны в ожидании худшего, если они уже не были.

Израильтяне должны быть проинформированы о том, что их поддержка Зеленского на Украине и ИГИЛ-Аль-Каиды в Сирии заставит их заплатить через нос. Россия возьмет на себя ведущую роль в Информационной войне, связанной с израильскими преступлениями в Палестине и Газе. Израиль должен быть проинформирован о том, что нападение на Иран превратит Израиль в радиоактивное стекло.

Вспомните ”Чикагский путь”. Это единственный способ справиться с НАТО, Джорджем Соросом, Клаусом Швабом из Всемирного экономического форума, глобальным движением ЛГБТК и кликой Обамы-Клинтон-Нуланд-Байдена вместе с Зио-зонами в Республиканской партии, которые работают с ними.…

И настоящие американцы должны быть готовы на своей собственной земле rgb цвета и становится очевидным, что время для разговоров прошло.

The Tehran Times with Mark Dankof: Asymmetrical Warfare and the American Comedy Underground

Zahara Samimi talks to Mark Dankof about his evaluations of Yemen and Ukraine recently, and episodes further back in memory in a blood-strewn timeline.

Tehran Times:

How do you read the recent Yemeni attacks on Aramco? Saudi Arabia is armed with American weapons and missiles. How could a poor nation like Yemen with the lowest level of military potential penetrate deeply inside the country?

Mark Dankof:

The war in Yemen illustrates that asymmetrical warfare waged by an ideologically committed and indigenous movement dedicated to defending a country and homeland from foreign predators with superior military assets but an incompetent military and political leadership, is destined to be successful. In this context, the French and American failures in South Vietnam and the more recent American catastrophe in Afghanistan are additional classic examples.

Whoever directed operations in the Aramco attack understands the significance of destroying assets of premier economic and logistical significance as a prelude to sapping military and political will and strength.

In their temporarily successful military attack on the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor in December of 1941, Japan destroyed many American battleships of outdated vintage. It left the American dry docks and oil storage tanks intact. Historians and military tacticians now recognize that to have been a colossal and ultimately fatal blunder.

Yet by comparison, the architects of Yemen’s asymmetrical guerrilla war of defense against Saudi Arabia have been infinitely more successful than the Japan of 1941 with its awesome air, sea, and aerial forces of that time. This fact, and the refusal of the people of Yemen to surrender despite horrendous losses, is the difference.

Tehran Times:

Why do the Western mainstream media classify the Yemeni response to the Saudi raids as aggression while they consider Ukraine’s response to Russia’s military operation legitimate self-defense? Isn’t it a double standard?

Mark Dankof:

Certainly it is a double standard. In the first place, Western mainstream media is comprised of what Paul Craig Roberts terms the “presstitutes.” These people will report whatever the Zionist-Globalist monolith controlling Western governments wants reported, regardless of how absurd, unfair, or outrageous it is. The notion that Yemen is the aggressor in the war with Saudi Arabia is absolutely unsustainable.

And in the case of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, it is Russia that had no choice but to invade in order to protect itself from the ongoing attempt to utilize NATO to encircle it since 1997, followed by the American/EU coup d’etat in Kiev in February of 2014. The West says it wants “democracy” in Ukraine, which it defines as overthrowing the legitimate and elected government in Kiev 8 years ago, followed by the actions of the subsequent Western puppet regime there which took 14,000 lives in the Donbass over that period of time while completely ignoring the Minsk accords it had agreed to with Moscow.

I have a close American friend with Press TV connections who is absolutely confused on this. He wrote me recently to express his “disappointment” that I was backing “evil Putin” in this conflict. He sent me a Washington Post article on Orthodox priests expressing an anti-Putin viewpoint and taking issue with the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in Moscow failing to condemn his country’s President. I responded:


Jim Jatras could tell you all about the CIA-NED payoff of $25 million to Bartholomew II of Istanbul/Constantinople:

I believe the Washington Post story you send along must be evaluated in light of what Jatras explains about the way this works, where the Orthodox primate in Istanbul began interfering for the CIA in something he had and has no ecclesiastical jurisdiction over in Ukraine.

The ultimate irony is that this primate, the Clinton-Pyatt-Nuland-Biden cabal, George Soros, the Pompeo State Department, CNN, the Washington Post, the Financial Times, MSNBC, the Jewish Drag Queen presently pretending to be the legitimate President of Ukraine, and the Queer organizations like Kiev Pride and QUA—LGBTQ Americans in Ukraine, are all on the same team in wanting to destroy “evil Putin.”

See the proof on Magic Mike Pompeo from the official U. S. Embassy in Kiev web page :

Here’s the complete text of my interview with Sputnik International on the Bucha atrocity video, an obvious false flag on the order of 9-11, the Bush/Powell bunk on Saddam’s WMDs, the lies about Iran’s weaponized nuclear program, and the transparently phony stories about Assad’s use of chemical weapons in Syria, when the perpetrators were clearly the Al-Qaeda and ISIS affiliates the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia were using there.

Putin had no choice but to invade Ukraine. The Bio-Labs exposés since the invasion, Zelensky’s stated desire publicly to introduce nuclear weapons into Ukraine (which sealed the decision of Russia to invade on February 24th), what Buchanan, Stockman, and Ron Paul underscore historically about the NATO expansions 600 miles Eastward in 1997 and 2004 breaking the promises to Gorbachev by Bush I and James Baker, the 1999 NATO/Clinton bombing of Serbia, the coup d’etat of February 2014 in Kiev, the Bartholomew II payoffs, the killing of 14,000 Russian ethnics in the Donbass over 8 years that followed, and now this Bucha False Flag video operation prove it. In this most recent incident, the Neo-Nazi forces working with Zelensky and his Western backers are the clear culprits here, in a replay of the White Helmets-Al Qaeda-ISIS operations in Syria commissioned by the Zio-Cons.

Russian forces were deployed near places like Kiev and Chernigov initially to pin down the Ukrainian Armed Forces otherwise deployed in Donbass. Operations in Donbass have reached a stage where Russia can finish the job there in coming days and weeks with the re-deployment of forces from Kiev and elsewhere in Western Ukraine. Then Zelensky will receive a final ultimatum to reach a settlement. Or else.

The Kiev re-deployment set the stage for the desperate facilitation of the Bucha False Flag incident to ignite Western media to justify more Western armaments and mercenaries committed to the Zelensky regime, and to create the hysterical climate for more sanctions on Russia.

You’re right: Against these forces with these motives, I’m backing “evil Putin.”

Tehran Times:

What can we conclude when comparing the situations in Yemen and Ukraine? discrimination or double standard because the Yemeni people are not white to beloved in Europe and America?

Mark Dankof:

I have to say that in my view, the predominantly Jewish power structure in the United States and Europe couldn’t care less about innocent life in Yemen, Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Serbia, or anywhere else. The spin the Jewish-dominated media puts on who is “right” and who is “wrong,” who is the “victim” and who is the “aggressor” depends on their agenda of world government and absolute political, cultural, and economic hegemony in ruling everyone else. The way the wars in Yemen and Ukraine are being “spun” must be seen in this context. The most obvious examples of Palestine and Israel’s war of “defense” there, in Gaza, and in ongoing “defensive” acts against Assad’s Syria and Iran, illustrate the problem for your readers.

In my “Open Letter to the Russian People: Growing Older but Wiser in the Mythologies of the American Empire,” it is not an accident that I list a history of incidents involving wars, false flags, and deliberate media “spins” on these episodes involving deliberate falsehoods. Some of them involve Iran. It is my hope that this letter which has been translated into Russian, will also be properly translated into Farsi for your domestic population.

Tehran Times: How can Western power justify their military aid to Saudi Arabia after seven years of futile war?

Mark Dankof: There is absolutely no moral justification for what is clearly genocidal. It is all rooted in money, power, and geopolitical considerations of a most Machiavellian character. But the blowback has already begun: Saudi Arabia is losing this conflict militarily and politically. And now the Saudis are talking to China about doing oil business in Renmimbis instead of Dollars. The Biden Administration has been caught flat-footed on this.

My ongoing prediction: The China-Russia-Iran trio is the instrument of the forthcoming demise of the Zio-New World Order. Good riddance to it.

Tehran Times: Biden had pledged in his election campaigns to put pressure on Saudi Arabia to end the war on Yemen. But Washington is continuing its military support to the Saudis under the pretext of defensive aid. How do you assess Biden’s policies when it comes to Yemen?

Mark Dankof: I don’t think Biden has his own policies in Yemen or anywhere else. He is simply selling the policies of the American Deep State and the Zio-Globalist New World Order. Whatever their wish is, is Biden’s command. David Stockman’s “The Warfare State’s Infinitely Mendacious Echo Chamber” provides all one needs to know about Joe Biden and his Administration in terms of its absolute servitude to the American War Party, the Deep State, and the budgets it demands.

And compare what Stockman says about the Bucha atrocity video and the war with what I have told Sputnik International and the American Freedom News.

Hint for your fine readers: Stockman’s views and mine absolutely match.

Mark Dankof: Sergei “Boatsman” Korotkik and the Bucha Atrocity Video for American Freedom News

It is very significant that the Ukrainian National Police provided a detailed video of a “clean up” operation in Bucha the day before videos and photographs of the “massacre” went viral, according to Nick Griffin, a British politician who represented North West England as a member of the European Parliament from 2009 to 2014.

“This fits with the detail of the white armbands on so many of the corpses in the street and found bound and tortured in basements,” says Griffin. “It all points towards the real perpetrators of this appalling war crime as being Ukrainian forces, and suggests that the killings were done some 48 hours after the Russian troops were deployed out of the area.”

Mark Dankof, the UK’s Nick Griffin, and Tiberio Graziani, chairman of Vision and Global Trends of the International Institute for Global Analyses, were interviewed by Sputnik International on the Bucha Atrocity Video. Excerpts of their remarks were used in the April 4th story entitled, “Kiev’s Bucha Provocation Aimed at Disrupting Peace Talks & Prolonging Conflict, Observers Say.” Don Wassall of the American Freedom News and The Freedom Times is publishing the Dankof interview in its entirety for his readers. The entire text of the latter is as follows:

I have personally viewed the video entitled “BOATSMAN BOYS Work in Bucha” as reported by Sputnik News in “Kiev Territorial Defense in Bucha Given Green Light to Shoot Those Not Wearing Blue Armband” and also reported in the story entitled, “Video: Kiev Territorial Defence in Bucha Given Green Light to Shoot Those Not Wearing Blue Armband.” It is a classic case of what in our business is fairly classified as False Flag agitation-propaganda released as a prime example of the wholesale communications war being waged against Russia by the same globalist elite that facilitated the NATO expansions of 1999 and 2004, the bombing of Serbia in 1999, the “Orange Revolution” of 2004-5 in Ukraine, the subsequent illegal coup d’etat in Kiev in February of 2014, the killing of some 14,000 people in the Donbass over the ensuing 8 years, and the global sanctions regimen foisted upon Russia after February 24th of this year after an invasion launched by the latter in a situation of no-choice necessity in protecting Russian ethnics in Donbass and its own national security. This can fairly be seen as an ironic reversal of the circumstances of Back Yard Protection in the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken once again falsely accuses the Russians. The tragi-comic irony of this is that he is Jewish, along with Victoria Nuland, Wendy Sherman, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, many of Biden’s closest advisors, and Zelensky himself. The Neo-Nazi who released this video, and the ongoing use of sordid individuals like Sergei “Boatsman” Korotkik, the “Boatsman Boys,” the Azov Battalion, the Right Sector, and the like, is chronicled by the February 16, 2022 article entitled, “The Russians Going Against Putin in Ukraine” in Al Jazeera.

That piece includes more information about Korotkik being systematically concealed by Western media outlets in the false and hysterical coverage of the Bucha video just released. I have followed the truth about Korotkik over time as occasionally published on Vkontakte, including his own videos. How do Jewish power players in the West and Zelensky himself, sleep comfortably at night in the same bed with this man and the other Neo Nazis in their present employ?

Simply look at the statements of the Mayor of Bucha, Anatoliy Fedoruk, as chronicled by Press TV Iran on Monday, April 4th:

In a video message on Saturday, the mayor of Bucha, Anatoliy Fedoruk, claimed that 300 people had been killed by the Russian army with some appearing to have been bound by their hands and feet before being shot. He also presented footage and photographs showing the dead bodies of those allegedly killed or executed by Russian troops, claiming that 280 bodies had been buried in mass graves while nearly 10 others were either unburied or only partially covered by earth.”

Simply look at the published RT story on April 4th on the timeline of unfolding events since March 27th. The story is entitled, “Russia and Ukraine trade accusations over Bucha civilian deaths (TIMELINE).”

Perhaps the entry for March 31st from this timeline is the most critical of all, pertaining to the statements on that date of Bucha’s mayor:

March 31
Mayor of Bucha declares city liberated
In a video address, Mayor Anatoly Fedoruk declared his city liberated “from Russian orcs [sic]” and called it a major victory for Ukrainian defenders.
All Russian troops withdrew from the city on the previous day, both Moscow and media covering the conflict reported. The mayor made no mention of any purported Russian war crimes in his celebratory speech.

Is there not something egregiously wrong with this picture?

All of this mirrors what the United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia have perpetrated against the legitimate government of Syria since 2011. Janice Kortkamp’s article on the latter subject for the Ron Paul Institute on March 29th, “Red Alert: What Seeing the War in Syria Taught Me About U.S./Western Government and Media Propaganda,” underscores the truth about that outrage now inherent in the utilization of Korotnik in the sordid affair in Bucha and the accompanying communications war being waged against Putin and Russia.

Syrian Christians Fight for Assad Against the New World Order.

Even more glaring in irony and drenched in hypocrisy for me now is the deliberately false reporting on Ukraine, the Donbass, Russia, and now the Bucha atrocity video militantly spread day and night by an American MSM dominated by Jewish interests and financial powers that be. Why is this happening? And at the behest of whom?

It is essential that one moves from the microcosmic episode involving Sergei “Boatsman” Korotkik and the Bucha atrocity video to the macrocosmic picture involving the United States, the EU, NATO, and the American/Western political elite in what is really going on with Zelensky, Ukraine, and coverage of Russia since Putin’s rise to power in 2000 after the end of the Yeltsin regime.

For this, I can only summarize my own thoughts and observations over a very long period of time. My recent posts entitled “An Open Letter to the Russian People: Growing Older But Wiser in the Mythologies of the American Empire” and “‘The Chicago Way’ is the ONLY Way to Destroy the New World Order” are only the most recent samples.

This is my summary of what I believe to be the macrocosmic picture of what is and has been transpiring over time for Sputnik News readers. It contextualizes the latest episode in Bucha as but another piece of the puzzle:

An analysis of the direct and indirect connections and associations of Volodymir Zelensky alone leads to the ultimate power players and the authentic agenda of what I refer to as the Zio-GloboHomo Leviathan and what it wants to impose on Russia and any remaining sovereign nation-states extant, which is an ideological combination of a brand of multi-national corporate capitalism once identified in a bygone era of clear language with acknowledged objective definitions as Fascism, with a militant brand of Cultural Marxism especially apparent in the wholesale embrace in the Western World of the LGBTQ movement. In Ukraine the Kiev Pride organization is an obvious example. Who funds these people? How far do their own tentacles extend? How does an Orthodox country like Ukraine end up with a Jewish Drag Queen comedian for a President? How does the Kiev Pride organization operate inside and outside of that country as a formidable force in cultural, religious, and political subversion, especially at a time when the forces behind it are simultaneously using Neo-Nazis in military operations in Ukraine? And take a look at Bogdan Globa, the co-founder of QUA – LGBTQ Ukrainians in America, the first association of LGBTQ Ukrainians and their allies in the United States. Follow the trail of associations and the money trail fueling this aspect of the anti-Russian, anti-Putin barrage in the United States and European media. Again, where do the tentacles lead? And to whom?

And where has American and Western mainstream media gone when it comes to the Bio-Labs revelations and the Hunter Biden “Laptop from Hell” controversy over the systematic and deliberate suppression of the New York Post revelations on the latter before the 2020 American Presidential Election? My own discussion of this with Sputnik News on March 27th and the issues involved has disappeared completely in the West in the wake of the Bucha atrocity video hysteria that I witnessed April 4th in San Antonio and subsequently posted on Vkontakte.

The answers to those questions explain the hijacking of the United States and the Western World as well as the real political, economic and cultural independence of Ukraine hijacked in the 2004-5 “Orange Revolution” and then in the coup d’etat of February 2014. The Mass Formation Psychosis being fanned by American and Western MSM in all of these events, including the rise of Zelensky and the Bucha atrocity video hysteria, leads to the larger truths of the bigger picture involved in the unfolding scenario.

With Zelensky, trace his direct and indirect associations and his web of public supporters and advocates: Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF). This includes the WEF partnership with the UN and the global goals of Agenda 2030 through the technologies of Fourth Industrial Revolution; George Soros; the Chicago Council on Global Affairs (CCGA); Larry Fink of BlackRock (affiliated with the WEF himself); Ben Wittes of the Brookings Institution; Richard Haass of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR); Canada PM Justin Trudeau; and a host of purchased sycophants in the American Congress and MSM.

This is why a Russian victory in this war is imperative, not simply the war in Donbass in isolation, but in the larger war against the Satanic political, cultural, and economic war unleashed against it by the cabal described in this interview.

A victory by Russia militarily accompanied by its cultural and spiritual preservation and the defeat of the Western economic sanctions, is the only hope for the beginning of the developments in the United States, Europe, and the UK via massive backlash to dethrone and destroy the slavery being imposed upon the respective populations of these countries by the Zio-GloboHomo elite that has destroyed cultures, economies, and the sovereignty of individual nation-states in the attainment of its own absolute and unchallenged power.

Russia must win. And so must those in the United States and the West ready to launch their own war for survival, renewed independence, and the comprehensive destruction and annihilation of the forces presently targeting Russia. Victory for the latter peoples of the West may no longer be possible, but if it is, it is contingent upon the victory of the former.

And in the victory of the former, Neo-Nazis in Ukraine and the LGTBQ front groups like Kiev Pride can be consigned to the burning trash-heap of history at the same time, with the eschatological Lake of Fire to follow.

Written by Mark Dankof

April 5, 2022 at 1:34 pm

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Mark Dankof for American Freedom News: Crunch Time for Putin and the Real American Right: The Chicago Way is the ONLY Way to Destroy the New World Order

“They pull a knife. You pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. THAT’S the CHICAGO Way. And that’s how you get Capone.”—Sean Connery as Jim Malone to Kevin Costner as Eliot Ness in “The Untouchables”

Every once in a while, one reads something in a Mainstream Media Article that makes the blood boil. In my case, it was a new feature story in the San Antonio-Express News on NBA San Antonio Spurs Coach Gregg Popovich and his Woke political opinions. This time, his weepy hand wringing was over the present conflict in the Ukraine.

The game is a familiar one. Interview a show business or sports celebrity, or an American political figure where all of them have a vested interest in sounding the Zio-Globalist line on any particular topic. In those rare cases, where someone in these arenas fails to tow the Party Line on the subject and spin in question, the retribution and character assassination that follow are career threatening. The power of The Beast is indeed to be feared and knelt to, if one wishes to continue being a “Star” receiving the wages of one. You know the drill. So do they, as well as those select few who have not bowed the knee to Baal.

The Clinton-NATO Crimes over Serbia in 1999 Cover Story is Proudly Displayed on the American Embassy Electronic Screen in Downtown Moscow in 2022.

Knowing in advance that my rebuttal would never see print in the San Antonio-Express News, I wrote once nonetheless. I did the same recently with Reuters, The Army Times, and The Military Times. Nothing was ever published there, either. Even so, at least a few of these folks who pen these powder-puff pieces know that someone is out there who can think and raise a few questions. Here is my brief note to the author of the San Antonio-Express News story on Gregg Popovich and the war in Ukraine:

Ms. Priscilla Aguirre

San Antonio Express-News

San Antonio, Texas 

I read your article today on Gregg Popovitch’s remarks on Ukraine and the Russian invasion of the Donbass on February 24th.

He is certainly entitled to his opinion. You’re equally entitled to publish his observations.

I for one think he knows about as much about the facts and history of this situation as the current President of the United States and his team of advisors, which is absolutely nothing.

David Stockman may be worth your time and that of your readers. It would certainly be worth the time of the “Most Woke Coach in the NBA.”

May I additionally suggest the recent essay of Roman Catholic Archbishop Viganò entitled, “Globalists Have Fomented War in Ukraine to Establish the Tyranny of the New World Order” and my own recent open letter to the people of Russia entitled, “Growing Older but Wiser in the Mythologies of the American Empire.”

Coach Popovitch is correct to cite all of the lies behind America’s tragic involvement in Vietnam. I fully agree with that assessment. But I observe that both he and American Main Stream Media are embracing an even bigger set of lies in this present tragedy which intended or not, may well ignite World War III. Sadly, it would seem that the San Antonio Express News is a part of this deception, as are the Clear Channel Digital Billboards beaming their message on every major highway in multiple locations in this city.

I haven’t seen such well managed lies and mythologies since the false spin on 9-11 and the Bush-Cheney-Colin Powell “War on Terror” that subsequently followed. 

When this country’s economy collapses, a domestic 21st century Civil War commences, and our kids come back to Dover AFB by the thousands of flag-draped coffins in Sleepy Joe’s Delaware, I hope you will recall this brief note.

And to be absolutely fair, there are plenty of idiots in the Bush-McCain-Romney wing of the GOP who are full supporters of this simian, criminal madness. God and history will hold them equally accountable, although many of the rest of us may be under radiated rubble, unable to remind them–and Gregg Popovitch—that they were Dead Wrong.


Mark Dankof


The 9-11 War Cry by Clear Channel Digital Billboards in San Antonio. Is it really for Ukraine? Or the New World Order? Who’s paying for this Around the Clock Bombardment?

The basic arguments underscoring the bankruptcy of American and NATO policy toward Russia made by David Stockman, Archbishop Viganò, and by Yours Truly in my letter to the Russian people need not be reiterated in this current article for readers of the American Freedom News online and in the print edition of The Freedom Times. Suffice it to say that when one understands the historical, geographical, cultural, religious, and military points raised in these previous missals, it becomes apparent that Putin’s Russia had no choice but to invade the Donbass. What may have begun as a mission to save ethnic Russians from the ethnic cleansing of the last 8 years in the Donbass, has now taken on the unmistakable character of a war for national survival for Russia itself. What may be less clear is that Putin’s strategy militarily and economically since the 24th of February needs to keep the latter point firmly in focus, not simply for Russia itself and its national sovereignty, but as a means of inflicting such a devastating blow on the New World Order and its American and European political elites that the latter end up literally destroyed by the domestic blowback in the United States and Europe that will occur if their respective slave populations begin to personally suffer a level of pain that opens their eyes to what they have acquiesced to at home, or supported abroad in the destruction of millions of lives globally.

It is not in any sense melodrama or hyperbole to place this war and the unfolding crisis that continues in this context. One can look at any aspect of what is happening in the West with its major institutions and heavyweights to see that the struggle is a Winner-Take-All contest, without any American or European respect, diplomacy, decency, or desire to settle with Russia on the basis of any reasonable and mutually agreeable terms since February 24th. The collective evidence of this is overwhelming: Look at what Glenn Greenwald reports on Western media lies and hysteria in anything pertaining to Putin or the Russian-Ukrainian War. President Assad of Syria reminds us that the West is absolutely bereft of any moral principles as shown by the employment by the United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia of al-Qaeda and ISIS in the illegal war that has been conducted against his own government and people. He goes on to state unequivocally that the cynical installment of a Jewish Drag Queen by American Zio-Cons as the current “President” of Ukraine, who in turn employs Neo-Nazis with the full blessing of the United States and the West in what has been a campaign of ethnic cleansing of Russians in the Donbass, is the embodiment of evil. Dilyana Gaytandzhieva provides an excellent summary of what is currently known about the still emerging details of the American Biological Warfare laboratories in Ukraine. Mark Dankof and Dr. E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars cover the essential aspects and implications of the Hunter Biden “Laptop from Hell” cover-up of the New York Post expose by American MSM before the 2020 American Presidential Election in a conversation with Sputnik International. James Jatras has uncovered the LGBTQ Agenda at work in the promotion of the United States of events in Ukraine, Russia, and the instigating of divisive tensions in the Orthodox Church regionally as well as globally. And perhaps most importantly for the moment, is Alexander Rubinstein’s latest for The Gray Zone entitled, “US and NATO Arm Neo-Nazi Units in Ukraine as Foreign Policy Elites Yearn for Afghan-Style Insurgency.” The Rubinstein article confirms my own judgment that any remaining hope by Putin, Lavrov, and Russian economists and military brass for a negotiated settlement with the United States, NATO, and the EU on Ukraine or anything else, is a fatal mirage in the desert.

Thus, I am telling my readers tonight at the American Freedom News and The Freedom Times what I will soon be repeating for my radio audiences with the Republic Broadcasting Network and Rense Radio‘s London-based Dankof Report for Andrew Carrington Hitchcock: Putin must engage the West with the full understanding that he is in an all-out war with the New World Order. It is a Winner-Take-All contest. It is my hope that Larry C. Johnson is correct in his view as expressed in his interview with Mike Whitney for the Unz Review that what remains for Russia to accomplish militarily in the Ukraine is a “mop-up operation.” Yet William M. Arkin’s report on Russian aerial restraint in the theatre of operations for Newsweek and American MSM reports on the resulting Russian casualties thus far in the conflict give me pause. Time will tell.

Flying the LGBTQ Rainbow Flag, or is it now the American Flag? The United States Ambassador in Russia Proudly Displays the International Symbol of Western Sexual Perversion in an Orthodox Country at the American Embassy in Moscow. Welcome to the New World Order.

Thus my advice for Putin is as follows: Win the war in the Ukraine outright, whatever it takes. Occupy the entire country afterward. Alexander Rubinstein has convinced me that to do less is to invite a perpetual and draining war of counter-insurgency in the country, where the importation of American and NATO weaponry combined with thousands of foreign mercenaries, will have Russia in a vulnerable position tactically and strategically, even as it is being targeted with merciless economic sanctions. Eradicate the Neo-Nazi battalions without mercy. If Biden becomes so detached from reality that he orders a “No-Fly Zone” over Ukraine, attack the USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier task force with hypersonic missiles. Demand the removal of all American and NATO weaponry from the countries added in NATO membership since 1997. In the case of the economic war initiated by the New World Order, take Paul Craig Roberts’ published advice without exception. Any remaining foreign trade must be conducted in rubles. Nationalize every foreign investment in Russia. Demand the complete lifting of the sanctions or the result will be a complete cessation of Russian natural gas and oil to Europe and the West. Engage in a complete embargo of grain, nitrogen-based fertilizers, wheat, and uranium among other crucial metals. And watch the American and European Zio Political Elites crumble as their own populations rise up to put them out of business permanently. I emphasize permanently.

Finally, there is the matter of Russia itself. Western Cultural Marxism and LGBTQ must be liquidated completely in the re-establishment of Russian Orthodox culture in post-Communist Russia. Kick any remaining New World Order NGOs and media outlets out of the country. Perhaps most important of all: Remove any Atlantic Council sympathizers from the Russian government in every sector and from national media and other institutions of significant influence including the educational system. Immediately.

In short, Putin’s Russia and the anti-New World Order American and European Right must be reminded that what I am advocating and recommending for both as a winning strategy is Jim Malone’s (Sean Connery) formula for Eliot Ness (Kevin Costner) in successfully destroying Al Capone and his syndicate, described as The Chicago Way in The Untouchables:

“They pull a knife. You pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. THAT’S the CHICAGO Way. And that’s how you get Capone.”
