Mark Dankof's Catacomb

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Mark Dankof Responds to James Risen of The Intercept on Ukraine, Putin, and Christian Nationalism

Mark Dankof’s Open Letter to James Risen of The Intercept on Ukraine, Russia, and Christian nationalism:

Jim Risen
The Intercept



I sincerely enjoyed your article on the Mid-Terms and the GOP split on Ukraine funding and policies toward Putin and Russia.

With all due respect, there is a considerable group within the GOP that opposes our Ukrainian and Russian foreign policies on the basis of opposition to American involvement in an illegal coup d’etat in Kiev in February of 2014, and the NATO expansions and encirclement of Russia that violate the promises of George Bush and James Baker to Gorbachev in the wake of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

This includes people like Ron Paul, Rand Paul, David Stockman, Pat Buchanan, and Philip Giraldi. None of these individuals would be identified with Christian Theocracy, the Christian Reconstructionist movement, or what you refer to as Christian nationalism.

However, in their rejection of Neo-Conservative/Neo-Liberal/Globalist regime change wars, I do believe all of the aforementioned would acknowledge that using Pussy Riot, George Soros, Schwab’s World Economic Forum, and the global LGBTQ movement to undermine Russian Orthodox culture and the Russian government itself is both inherently illegitimate and dangerous. I believe all would concur that Jaime Raskin’s (D-MD) recent suggestion that continuing to conduct a regime change war with Russia using Zelensky as a surrogate because of the former’s “traditionalist values” is not only reckless but on the very verge of insanity.

Why? Because it risks World War III. Henry Kissinger sounded the alarm at Davos on this. He is hardly a Christian nationalist. But he knows future global catastrophe when he sees it on the visible horizon.

This impending apocalypse has reunited Russia and China as partners in a future conflict with the United States due to the latter’s insatiable desire to remake the globe in its image. Russia and China are both global nuclear superpowers with a larger manpower base than the United States. Russia is the acknowledged commodities king of the planet. China is now the leading manufacturing juggernaut on the face of the earth. With this in mind, what is the conceivable national security interest of the United States in supporting this idiocy in Ukraine, and to the tune of $65 billion dollars this year? With another $50 billion to follow before January if the Democratic Party loses control of Congress on November 8th?

It also bears repeating that Biden and the EU have brought about a feckless economic war of attrition against Putin which is sinking Europe and threatening the American dollar as the reserve currency of the world. The precipitous rise in energy and food prices in the West has only just begun. The subsequent anger of domestic European and American populations over all of this threatens to derail the political elites of both. It has already begun in Europe.

The future looks like one of Eurasia in the 21st century, not that of a post-World War II American order already in decay and whose demise is accelerated by the Obama-Biden-Clinton-Nuland Cabal which started in February of 2014 what it clearly cannot finish in 2022 and beyond. Perhaps this explains the level of criminal desperation that resulted in the Dugina Assassination in Moscow on August 20th. The latter event also begs the ultimate question: What else are these people capable of?

Thus, perhaps Christian nationalists in the United States may be forgiven for concluding that the globalist Cabal supporting this lunacy needs to go. And that Putin and Russia have plenty of good reasons for what has transpired since February of 2022 in Ukraine, reasons which have been deliberately and systematically concealed by Western mainstream media. But to suggest that burgeoning rebellion in the United States and Europe over what the Cabal has bequeathed to average citizens on both Continents is confined only to Christian nationalists on both sides of the Atlantic is short of the mark in an otherwise fine essay.

Maybe the ultimate truth is this: Putin’s Russia will win; Eurasia will replace the Western dominance of the 20th century; and nationalists in the United States and Europe, Christian and secular, will bury the Cabal’s hegemony in their own countries, in the aftermath of a great turning point in history with the endgame yet to be determined.

All of this assumes Armageddon can be avoided.

In that event, Christian nationalists have the Second Advent of Christ as an ace-in-the-hole. 🍺😉🍺😉


Mark Dankof
San Antonio, Texas

Bonus: The Dankof Report Covers the November 8th American Off-Year Elections